
I bear my concerns in my time and among my people

واني على همي بعصري وأهله

1. I bear my concerns in my time and among my people
And the length of my misfortune among them and my troubles

١. واني على همي بعصْري وأهْلهِ
وطولِ شَقائي بينهمْ وعَنائي

2. And my praise being a bribe with which I protect myself
From people who have no decency or generosity

٢. وكونِ مديحي رُشْوةً أحتمي بها
من القوم لا شيْماً لصوْبِ عَطاءِ

3. I disciplined my tongue, stern and dignified
And if I wished, my satire would surpass the eloquent

٣. خزنْتُ لساني سُؤْدداً ورئاسةً
ولو شئتُ فاقَ المُرْهفاتِ هجائي

4. In praise of Nishwan, glorious in his glory
Elevating to praise every noble man

٤. لمُثْنٍ على نشوانَ بالمجد موجفٍ
إِلى الحمد فَرَّاعٍ لكُلِّ عَلاءِ

5. His magnificent glory singled him out and made exceptional
So he became worthy of my praise

٥. تفرَّدَ واسْتثناهُ باهرُ مجْدهِ
فكانَ مَحَلاًّ قابلاً لثَنائي

6. He became the supreme leader of religion without doubt
And I became a praiser without pretense

٦. فأضحي رئيس الدين في غير مِريةٍ
وأصبحتُ مَدَّاحاً بغيرِ رياءِ

7. Dignity's refuge, the sanctuary of reverence, strict
Who gladdens you some days with company and visit

٧. وَقورُ الحُبى جمُّ الحجا ذو صرامة
يَسُرُّكَ في يوميْ نَدىً ولِقاءِ

8. A protector, if he speaks or prays, will disperse
The regiments on the day of clamor and the eloquent

٨. هُمامٌ اذا ما قال أو صال فُرِّقتْ
كتائِبُ يوم الرَّوْعِ والفُصحاءِ

9. Happy is the feast whose greatest pride is
The length of life for him and survival

٩. هنيئاً له العيدُ الذي جُلُّ فخْرهِ
بطولِ حَياةٍ عندهُ وبَقاءِ

10. Abu Taghlib, my reputation is far-reaching, and yet
I have come to Iraq, the goal of my wanderings

١٠. أبا تغْلِبٍ صيتي بَعيدٌ وانما
أطَلْتُ بزوْراءِ العِراقِ ثَوائي