1. And I have a companion of high hopes with whom
I sailed an ocean of night full of waves and currents
١. وصاحب من بني الآمال خُضت به
بحراً من الليلِ ذا لُجٍّ وتَيَّارِ
2. Sleep overcomes him sometimes, so I spread for him
Talk of glory to dispel the drowsiness of the whip
٢. يلفُّهُ النوم أحياناً فأُفْرِشُهُ
حديث مجدٍ يُجَلِّي نومةِ الساري
3. He hopes and sleeps about what I stayed up for him
And glory is not built except with vigilance
٣. يرجو ويرقدُ عما قد سهرتُ لهُ
والمجدُ لا يُبتنى إلا بمسْهارِ
4. If fatigue spoke to him in the wilderness
I reminded him of the calmness of rural cities
٤. إذا اطَّباهُ مُناخٌ عند باديةٍ
أذْكرته دعَةً من ريف أمْصارِ
5. Knowing that my determination will take us down
To a dwelling of saving the faith, eminent
٥. علماً بأن اعْتزامي سوف يُنزلنا
بمنْزلٍ من غِياثِ الدين مُخنارِ
6. Until I arbitrate with good omen, I made him
Of immaculate honor, free of blemish and shame
٦. حتى أنخنا بميمونٍ نقيبتُهُ
مُنزَّهِ العِرْض عن ذامٍ وعن عارِ
7. The killer place where the grieved are dejected
With lies from the dew of his hands, bitter
٧. القاتل المحْل حيث المُزن مكديةٌ
بهاطلٍ منْ ندى كفَّيهِ مدْرارِ
8. He refrains from the grace of money for a time
For his generosity is in terms and lifetimes
٨. يجلُّ عن منحةِ الأموال آونَةً
فالجودُ منه بآجالٍ وأعْمارِ
9. And he honors the sword from its sheath so he sheathes it
When he unsheathes it at the head of an unjust tyrant
٩. ويكرم السيف عن غِمدٍ فيغمدهُ
إذا يُجردهُ في رأسِ جَبَّارِ
10. And he rides horror alone with his resolves
In a great army like the heavy, roaring sea
١٠. ويركب الهول فرداً من عزائمه
في جحفلٍ كعُبابِ البحر جَرَّارِ
11. And he expands the paths of valor when they shook
An opinion that turns reversed situations for him
١١. ويوسع الطارقات الدهم حين دهت
رأياً يحولُ له مُحْلولكُ القارِ
12. His subjects seek justice from him when they differ
Justice that combines between water and fire
١٢. يُذمُّ منه رعاياه إذا اختلفتْ
عدلٌ يجمع بين الماءِ والنارِ
13. His affection is tied on the day of his gathering
With a handshake from the Forgiver of grave sins
١٣. تُناطُ حبْوتهُ في يومِ ندوتهِ
بصافحٍ عن عظيم الجُرْم غَفّارِ
14. His positions have enriched readers in biographies
Of a day of glory or a day of disaster
١٤. أغْنتْ مواقفهُ القُراء في سِيرٍ
عن يوم ذي نجبٍ أو يوم ذي قارِ
15. From him, the slain sips the drink of a smiling face
Silencing amidst the darkness of death, generous
١٥. يُلثمُ النَّقعُ منه نوجهَ مُبتسمٍ
مُفَحِّمٍ في غِمارِ الموتِ كَرَّاِ
16. He refrains from sending an army of his soldiers
To Dariya of the enemy without warning
١٦. يجلُّ عن بعث جيشٍ من عساكره
إلى داريا العدى من غير إنذارِ
17. And its raids dislike attacking the defeated
For they only attempt slaughtering the fleeing
١٧. وتكرهُ الطعنَ في الهَزْمى ذوابله
فما تحاولُ إلا نحْرَ مِغْوارِ
18. His guests are sheltered, though being wasteful
Not stingy with food, even if it is dust
١٨. يؤمُّ ضِيفانُه خِرْقاً أخا سَرَفٍ
لا يكْسعِ الشَّوْلَ من بخل بأغبارِ
19. In generosity he is not neglectful of the poor and in
Battle continuous, not fleeing
١٩. في الجود غير مُغبٍّ للعُفاةِ وفي ال
وغى مُستمرٌ غيرُ فَرّارِ
20. He only rides animosity if his secrecy is victory
And doesn't spend the night feeling spite and hatred
٢٠. لا يركب البغي إما سرَّهُ ظفرٌ
ولا يبيتُ على ضِغْنٍ وأوْغارِ
21. No arrogance crept into his compassion even if
The lands bowed to him in veneration and pride
٢١. ما دبَّ في عطفه كبرٌ وإنْ خضعتْ
له البرايا بإعظامٍ وإكْبارِ