
Have patience, for victory belittles hardship

رويدكم فالفتح يصغره القدر

1. Have patience, for victory belittles hardship
Glory transcends Syria and Egypt

١. رويْدَكُمُ فالفتح يُصغرهُ القدْرُ
جلا المجد حتى ما الشَّآمُ وما مصرُ

2. Your world will submit to the obedience of the devout
In his soul is the secret of highness to God

٢. ستُذْعِن دُنياكم لطاعةِ قانِتٍ
مُنيفِ العُلى للّهِ في نفسه سِرُّ

3. You were amazed by the conquest of Egypt and beyond
The vanishing of harbors, deserts, and sea

٣. تعجَّبْتُم منْ فتحِ مصْرَ ودونها
فَناءُ المَطايا والتَّنائفُ والبَحْرُ

4. You did not know that the stars in their orbit
Descend to him while they are still lofty flowers

٤. ولم تعْلموا أنَّ النُّجومَ بودِّها
النُّزولَ إليه وهي عاليةٌ زُهْرُ

5. If the Merciful asked for the obedience of a planet
The Pleiades would submit and the moon would obey

٥. فلو سألَ الرَّحمن طاعة كوكبٍ
لأذْعَنتِ الشِّعْرى ودانَ له البدرُ

6. A guiding imam, if he lowered his eyelid humbly
His flock would become devoted even if agitated like green grass

٦. إِمام هُدىً لو أوطأ الطِّرف هامداً
لأضحت رُباه وهي مهتزةٌ خُضر

7. He obeyed the Lord of the Throne in what He deputized him
So obeying him is faith and disobeying him is blasphemy

٧. أطاع إِله العرش فيما اسْتنَابَهُ
فطاعَتُه دِينٌ وعِصْيانُه كُفْرُ

8. He illuminates the dark night with his smiles
So is any mortal easier to access in his radiance?

٨. يُضيء الدُّجى الغربيب من قسماته
فأيسَرُ بشْرٍ من طلاقتهِ فَجْرُ

9. He bestowed generosity and justice, benevolence and mercy
So the oppressed triumphed and the dust turned green

٩. أفاض النَّدى والعدل جوداً ورأفةً
فقد نُصر المظلومُ واخضرت الغُبْر

10. He is gentle with piety and strong with zeal
As white and brown intermingled in their softness

١٠. ولانَ من التَّقوى وعزَّ من الحمى
كما خشُنتْ في لينها البيضُ والسُّمر

11. His words and satire are conclusive and decisive
His writing is ink and his stabbing is a spear

١١. مقالتُه والطَّعْن فصْلٌ وفيْصَلٌ
فمقطوعُه حَبْرٌ ومطْعونُه ذِمْر

12. When his blessings pour like lasting rain
And his legal opinions shine like the sea and ink

١٢. إذا هطلتْ نُعْماه غيْثٌ وديمَةٌ
وإِن وضُحت فتْواهُ فالبحر والحَبْرُ

13. Every just imam is the pride of his time
And the enlightened righteous man makes the age proud

١٣. بكلِّ إِمامٍ عادِلٍ فخْرُ عَصْرهِ
وبالمُسْتضيءِ البَرِ يفتخِرُ الدهرُ

14. The steed of horses gallops with vigor as if
Extending its breath over the vast yellow desert

١٤. فتى الخيْل تعْدو بالكُماةِ كأنَّها
سَراحين قفْرٍ مَدَّ أنْفاسها الصَّفر

15. It turns away from grazing on coarse herbage
And heads for the lush meadows, the home of green grass

١٥. تجانَفُ عن رَعْي الجميم وتخْتلي
خمائلَ هامٍ نبْتُ عُدوتها الشَّعْر

16. Crossing the barren plains, thirsty
To a watering place whose rim is bushes and trees

١٦. وتطوي نِهاءَ القاع وهي ظَميئةٌ
إلى موردٍ ينْبوعُه الطَّرف والنَّحر

17. There it meets the enlightened one as if he were
A noble stallion who reached his fine steeds

١٧. هُنالِكَ تَلْقى المُسْتضيءً كأنه
غضنفرُ خِيسٍ نالَ أشْباله الضُّرُّ

18. He continues his onslaught as the battle rages
And pardons the captives when victory is clear

١٨. فيوسعُ ضرباً والوَغى مُسْتمرَّةٌ
ويعفو عن الأسَرى إذا صرَّح النصر

19. As is his custom to forgive every sinner
When passions flare and the desert grows confined

١٩. كعادته في الصَّفْح عن كلِّ مُجْرمٍ
إذا ما الحُبى طاشتْ وضاق بها القَفرُ

20. His heart intended good before the caliphate
So benevolence and the imploring validated him

٢٠. نوى الخير من قبلِ الخِلافَة قلبُه
فصدَّقهُ الإحْسانُ والنَّائلُ الغمْر

21. He exceeded the limit of his vow along with ability
Thus he deemed the little to be what a cloak could contain

٢١. وجازَ مع الإِمكان عن حدِّ نذْرهِ
فباتَ يظُنُّ النَّزْرَ ما قدره دَثرُ

22. His generosity became as radiant as the sun
Universally, and the complainers of their time thanked him

٢٢. وأضحى كضوء الشمس فائضُ جوده
عميماً وللشاكين منْ دهرهم شُكْر

23. The glory of his auspicious state
Was built by the most generous donor when rain was held back

٢٣. ومن شَرف الإِقْبال تشييد مجدِه
بأرْوعَ وهَّابٍ إذا حُبس القطْر

24. With the best minister who gathered allies
And lined the pages with his script from his palm

٢٤. بخير وزيرٍ ضَمَّ دسْتٌ وجحفلٌ
وخُطَّ على الأطراس من كفِّه سطر

25. If enemies denied his prominent virtue
His noble effort and eloquence would acknowledge it

٢٥. إذا جحدَ الأعْداءُ باهرَ فضْلهِ
أقرَّ له السَّعْي المكرَّمُ والنَّجْرُ

26. You remained, Commander of the Faithful, praised
As generous and sublime whether destiny locked or unlocked

٢٦. بقيتَ أميرَ المُؤمنين مُمَدَّحاً
كريمَ الثَّنَا ما أدْلج القَفْلُ والسَّفْرُ

27. You are the best qualified for what I praise
And you are my hope's treasure for what I wish

٢٧. وأنت لِما أُثْني به خيرُ أهْلِه
وأنت لما أرْجوهُ منْ أمَلي ذُخْر