1. Tell the fighter with confidence from his brother,
There is no doubt in his friendship nor ill nature,
١. قُلْ للمجاهد قولاً عن أخي ثقةٍ
ما في مودته شَوْبٌ ولا طبعُ
2. You have become the most noble of all people,
A soul that I have clear evidence for that is heard,
٢. أصبحتَ اشرفَ هذا الناس كُلِّهم
نفساً ولي حُجَّةٌ غرَّاء تُستَمعُ
3. In you is loyalty and truthfulness in speech interceding for you,
Wherever you are, there is no injustice nor alarm,
٣. فيك الوفاء وصدق القول يشفعهُ
وحيث كنت فلا ظُلْمٌ ولا جَزعُ
4. As if your neighbor whom you are deprived of,
In an abundant, leafy meadow that tires the onlooker's eye,
٤. كأنما جاركَ الممنوعُ جانبهُ
في نيقِ أورق يُعيي ناظراً صدعُ
5. And if you descend to a lowland, you become a lofty peak,
With gardens in which there is irrigation and settlement,
٥. ولو نزلْتَ سِباخاً أصبحت أُنُفاً
من الرياض بها رِيٌّ ومُرتبَعُ
6. No passion has turned you from the hidden truth,
Nor has greed coaxed you to the blameworthy,
٦. وما ثناك عن الحقِّ الخفيِّ هَوىً
ولا أطَّباكَ إلى مذمومةٍ طمعُ
7. So you have lived shielded with honor, armored,
Your order is obeyed when charged and followed.
٧. فعشت مُشتملاً بالعزِّ مُدَّرِعاً
يُطاعُ أمرك إذْ يُزجى ويُتَّبع