
If your meeting me happens to elude my eyes,

إذا ما سنى ملقاكم فات ناظري

1. If your meeting me happens to elude my eyes,
My tongue will falter in greeting and peace.

١. إذا ما سَنى ملقاكُم فاتَ ناظِري
وفاتَ لِساني قُرْبَةٌ وسَلامُ

2. My life will become wretched with misery,
My radiant dawn be night and gloominess.

٢. فأنْعمُ عيْشي عند ذلك شِقْوَةٌ
وأوْضحُ صُبحي ليلةٌ وظَلامُ

3. No home moved without the knight of Khindif,
Who blessed it wherever he settled down.

٣. فلا نزحتْ دارٌ بفارسِ خِندفٍ
وطابَ به حيث اسْتَقرَّ مَقامُ

4. To the oppressed he's wealth from his riches,
To the frightened fugitive, refuge and guard.

٤. فتىً هو للمُقْوي من المالِ ثروةٌ
وللخائفِ الجاني حِمىً وعِصامُ

5. When resolve is stirred he is tumultuous,
In patience with him are fading and allure.

٥. وعند انتضاء العزم هوْجاءُ زعْزعٌ
وفي الصَّبْر منه يَذْبُلٌ وشَمامُ

6. Generous with the dew he brooks no bargaining,
Nor does his speech good deeds ever confine.

٦. هَنيءُ النَّدى لا يُمترى بوسيلةٍ
ولا يحْبِسُ المعروفَ منهُ كلامُ

7. No favor follows his ample generosity,
If with sparse kindness commoners he obliges.

٧. ولا يُتْبعُ الوَفْر الجزيلَ بمنَّةٍ
إذا مَنَّ بالوَفْرِ الزَّهيدِ فِئامُ

8. No days violate his solemn covenant,
If a loyal friend is betrayed and protection violated.

٨. ولا تنْقُض الأيامُ مبرمَ عَهدهِ
إذا خانَ وافٍ واسْتُبيحَ ذِمامُ

9. His passion bears no frivolity for merits
When fervor expires and purpose is realized.

٩. ولا لهَواهُ بالمَناقِبِ سَلْوَةٌ
إذا ما انْقَضى وجْدٌ ومَرَّ مَرامُ

10. Peerless glorious fame none can match it,
But under oppression it's a roaring lion.

١٠. وأوْحَدُ مجْدٍ لا يُثَنَّى بمثلهِ
ولكنَّهُ تحت العَجاجِ لُهامُ

11. Minister who space flees his land's climate,
As if Khindifi's edifices were clouds.

١١. وزيرٌ يفرُّ المحْلُ عن جوِّ أرضه
كأنَّ بَنانَ الخِنْدفِيِّ غَمامُ

12. Abu Ja'far, the caliphate's scion but still
The abode of glory and loftiness as a lad.

١٢. أبو جعفرٍ غرسُ الخِلافة والذي
حَوى المجدَ والعَلْياءَ وهو غُلام

13. Caring little for worldly things, remote from youth,
To protect those whom his defense made tranquil sleepers.

١٣. زهيدُ الكرى نائي الصباح لحفظ من
هُمُ منْ حِماهُ آمِنونَ نِيامُ