1. May Allah reward the generosity of the Hashimites
With prosperity, honor, and noble traits
١. جزى الله غمر الجود من آل هاشمٍ
طليقاً مُحيَّاهُ كِراماً شَمائلهْ
2. The most faithful in rewarding those of refinement
Is he whose gatherings are sweetened by praise
٢. من الخير أوفى ما جزى ذا عوارفٍ
تطيبُ اذا عُدَّ الثَّناءُ مَحافِلُهُ
3. So much comfort he gives after comfort
Like the clouds whose gifts never cease
٣. فكم راح يولي نعمةً بعد نعمةٍ
كصوبِ غَمامٍ ما تَغِبُّ نوافِلُهْ
4. A young man cloaked in reverence for the Merciful
His deeds in every matter are his fortresses
٤. فتىً خشيةُ الرحمن أضفى دروعه
وأفعالهُ في كلِّ خطبٍ معاقلُهْ
5. The bases of his glory are his conquests over enemies
And for the guest, neighbor, and spurned - his homes
٥. متونُ مذاكيه لغزوِ عُداتهِ
وللضيفِ والجار الطَّريد منازلهْ
6. He who seeks to disparage his honor is thwarted
And he who asks of him succeeds in his request
٦. يخيب الذي يبغي مَعاباً لِعرْضهِ
وينجحُ فيما يبتغي منه سائلهْ
7. He protected the honor of religion, for it is
Salvation when the times are fraught with perils
٧. حمى شرف الدين الاِلهُ فانهُ
نجاةٌ اذا ما الدهر غالتْ غوائلهْ