
O jewel of the age and religion

يا بهاء الدهر والدي

1. O jewel of the age and religion
And aggregate of virtues

١. يا بهاءَ الدهْرِ والدِّي
نِ ومجموعَ المعالي

2. That your effort has gained
With might and largesse

٢. والذي أحْرَزَها سَعْي
اً ببأسٍ ونَوالِ

3. And that shatters with opinions
The edges of lofty peaks

٣. والذي يَحْطِمُ بالآ
راءِ أطْرافَ العَوالي

4. And whose advance excels
The flight of arrows

٤. والذي يفْضُلُ من اِقْدا
مِهِ مَرَّ النِّبالِ

5. With your might make envious
And the brave submit in peace or strife

٥. حاسِدا بأسِكَ والحِ
لمِ بسَلْمٍ ونِزالِ

6. The storms of turmoil and the billows
And mountains' mighty rocks

٦. عاصفاتُ الزَّعْزَعِ والهوُ
جُ وأطْوادُ الجبالِ

7. You are a sword for right and knowledge
And good deed ever prompt

٧. أنتَ سَيفٌ بالنُّهى والعِلْ
مِ والمعروفِ حالِ

8. And a steed that gained precedence
With continuing speed

٨. وجَوادٌ أحْرزَ السَّبْ
قَ بشدٍّ مُتَوالِ

9. Outstripping the racers
Radiant, intrepid

٩. غادَرَ السُبَّقَ أنْضا
ءً لِبُهْرٍ وكَلالِ