
The rhymes of poetry were enchanting as he led them,

طربت قوافي الشعر حيث يقودها

1. The rhymes of poetry were enchanting as he led them,
My affection to the crown of the state, the undaunted.

١. طربت قوافي الشعر حيثُ يقودها
ودِّي لتاجِ الدولة الجَحْجاحِ

2. The longing lover's bliss in union, the contented sipper
Of delight that soft breezes diminish, gently wafting.

٢. طرب المُتَيّمِ بالوصالِ وشاربٍ
نشوانَ تَنْغِضُه حُميَّا الرَّاحِ

3. For the generous overflowing bowl he praised,
Attaining glory through his help and generosity.

٣. لأغرَّ فيَّاضِ النَّوالِ مُمَدَّحٍ
حاز الفخارَ بنجدةٍ وسَماحِ

4. The abode of land yields to his decrees,
And from it returns the night, face of dawn.

٤. ينجابُ محلُ الأرض عن قسماته
ويعود منه الليلُ وجه صَباحِ

5. He meets the uncouth with dignified reserve,
At the bowl, and in tumult with self-restraint.

٥. يلقى العُفاةَ بذي حياءٍ مُطْرقٍ
عند النَّوال وفي الوغى بوَقاحِ

6. You see him in peace, harmonizing his wealth,
And with the army, harmonizing souls.

٦. فتراهُ يوم السلم مُتْلِفَ مالهِ
ولدى الكتيبةِ مُتْلف الأرواحِ

7. Men's destiny in battle and his strike,
And piercing, the destiny of keen swords and spears.

٧. حتفُ الرجال لدى النزال وضربه
والطعنُ حتفُ صوارمٍ ورماحِ

8. He boldly raids the lands, his white swords and spears,
And returns driving fear, not missing his mark.

٨. تغزو صحاحاً بيضهُ ورماحُهُ
وتعود غِبَّ الروع غيرَ صِحاحِ

9. In him is passion, without any vileness,
And a brother of splendor, at the peak, soaring.

٩. فيه حِرانٌ دونَ كل دنيَّةٍ
وأخو مضاءٍ في العُلى وجِماحِ

10. Excellent, Abu Al-Abbas, what liberties!
And the sanctuary of Abu Al-Abbas is inviolable.

١٠. نُعْمى أبي العباسِ أيُّ مُباحةٍ
وحِمى أبي العباس غيرُ مُباحِ

11. Zealous for the Merciful, Lord of piety,
His passions are serious, not joking.

١١. غَيْرانُ في الرحمن رَبُّ تَقيَّةٍ
عَبثَاتُه جِدٌّ بغير مُزاحِ

12. He left desire in his youthful prime,
Where the elders have desire and diversion.

١٢. تركَ الهوى في عنفوانِ شَبابهِ
حيثُ الشيوخُ ذوو هَوىً ومراحِ

13. So if eyes glance toward forbidden fruit,
He lowers his gaze, and to glory, Lord of ambition.

١٣. فإذا العيونُ لمَحْنَ نحو مُحرَّمٍ
أغْضى ونحو المجد رَبُّ طِماحِ

14. The morals of forefathers he emulated from them,
The traits of glory, in his day, and struggle.

١٤. أخْلاقُ آباءٍ تَقَيَّلَ منهُمُ
شِيم العُلى يوْمَيْ ندىً وكِفاحِ