
Quraysh take pride in him

قريشي به تفخر

1. Quraysh take pride in him
The day they are proud, ʿAdnān

١. قُريْشيٌّ بهِ تَفْخَرُ
يومَ الفَخْرِ عَدْنانُ

2. In the night of dearth, he is food
And the day of war, he is weapons

٢. بلَيْلِ الجَدْبِ مِطْعامٌ
ويوم الحَرْبِ مِطْعانُ

3. He shakes power with gentleness
And in wisdom he is steadfast

٣. هو الزَّعْزَعُ في العَزْ
مِ وعند الحِلْمِ ثَهْلانُ

4. His excuse is a protector
And his nature shows clarity

٤. لهُ مِنْ عُذْرهِ عِيٌّ
وفي جَدْواهُ تِبْيانُ

5. He adorns the face and palm
Beautiful and benevolent is he

٥. يَزينُ الوجْهَ والكَفَّ
لهُ حُسْنٌ واِحْسانُ

6. The coolness of his generosity, but
His rule is mostly passionate

٦. بَرودُ الجودِ لكنْ بَأ
سُهُ الأغْلَبُ حَرَّانُ

7. So the friend does not cross the path
Of what the riders have paved

٧. فلا يَعْدو الوزيمرَ النَّ
صْرُ ما أدْلَج رُكْبانُ