
Congratulations to virtues and nobility

هنيئا للمناقب والمعالي

1. Congratulations to virtues and nobility
When generosity and magnanimity are counted

١. هنيئاً للمَناقِبِ والمَعالي
إذا عُدَّ المكارِمُ والكِرامُ

2. The permanence of his two conditions is envied
As are his valor and clouds

٢. بَقاءُ أغَرَّ تَحْسُدُ حالَتَيْهِ
وفَضْلَهُما الصَّوارِمُ والغَمامُ

3. In valor, he is a fierce Indian
In generosity, a pouring rain

٣. فعِنْدَ البَاسِ هنْديٌّ جُرازٌ
وعندَ الجودِ هَطَّالٌ رُكامُ

4. A guiding imam who illuminated for us
So there is no oppressive darkness

٤. إِمامُ هُدىً أضاءَ لنا الدَّياجي
فلا ظُلْمٌ يُلِمُّ ولا ظَلامُ

5. How can congratulations be for a single month
When his every era is the sacred month

٥. وكيف تُخَصُّ تهْنئَةٌ بشَهْرٍ
وكُلُّ زَمانِهِ الشَّهْرُ الحَرامُ

6. He fears God in all his affairs
So there is no shame or sins

٦. يَخافُ اللّهَ في كُلِّ المَساعي
فلا حُوبٌ يَشينُ ولا أثامُ

7. He is forbearing though crimes are flagrant
And vigilant while his subjects sleep

٧. ويحْلُمُ والجَرائمُ فادِحاتٌ
ويَسْهَرُ إذْ رَعِيَّتُهُ نِيامُ

8. He fears injustice and its tyranny over him
As a pigeon fears the falcon

٨. ويخْشى الجَوْرَ سَطوتَهُ عليه
كما يخْشى مِن الصَّقْرِ الحَمامُ

9. He eradicated injustice and oppression until
Each of his virtues took revenge

٩. أبادَ الظُّلْمَ والإِمْلاقَ حتى
لِكُلٍّ منْ مَناقِبهِ انْتِقامُ

10. Criticizing stinginess is a piercing arrow
And striking injustice is a consuming flame

١٠. فطعْن الجود في الإِملاقِ شَزْرٌ
وضَربُ العدلِ في الجور التِهام

11. He disgraced money until
Coins and dirhams became worthless

١١. أهانَ المالَ حتى باتَ يُزْهى
على المالِ الجَراوِلُ والرَّغامُ

12. He confronted it like an enemy
So the rich and the prestigious died

١٢. ونازَلَهُ مُنازَلَةَ الأعادي
فماتَ الدَّثْرُ والبَطَلُ الهُمامُ

13. Money everywhere is now dispersed
While praise is spreading and systematic

١٣. فللأموالِ في الآفاقِ شَتٌّ
وللحَمْدِ انْتِثارٌ وانتِظامُ

14. His kindness extended to all subjects
Like a mother's affection for her only son

١٤. وعَمَّ بلُطْفِ رأفَتِهِ الرَّعايا
حُنُوَّ الأمِّ واحِدُها غُلامُ

15. He was like a heavy rain cloud
Coming to the aid of a drought-stricken land

١٥. فكان كَعارضٍ هَتِنٍ سَحوحٍ
تَداركَ رُفْقَةً وبها أُوامُ

16. The wasteland betrayed and increased until
The meadows and dunes were flooded

١٦. فغَدَّرَتِ الفَلاةُ وزادَ حتى
تَغمَّرَتِ الرَّوابي والإِكامُ

17. The stars floated
On waves crashing from his overflowing seas

١٧. وأصبَحتِ الخَوامِسُ عائِماتٍ
بذي مَوْجٍ للُجَّتِهِ التِطامُ

18. The desert after the flood became a meadow
Where beetles and birds frolicked

١٨. وأضْحى القَفْرُ بعد المحْل روضاً
يَميسُ بهِ الخُزامى والثُّمامُ

19. His streaming generosity illuminated
Too boundless for words to contain

١٩. نَوالُ أغرَّ أبْلَجَ مُسْتَضيءٍ
يضيقُ ببعض مِدْحَتِهِ الكَلامُ

20. When the leader of truth left this world
It still had from him joy and smiles

٢٠. فلا عدِمَتْ إِمامُ الحَقِّ دُنْيا
لَها منه سُرورٌ وابْتِسامُ