
I love the facets of goodness appearing

احب سجايا الخير غرا كأنها

1. I love the facets of goodness appearing
As if, when the bright day dawns, they were stars

١. اُحِبُّ سَجايا الخيرِ غُرّاً كأنها
إذا طلعت يوم النَّدِيِّ نجومُ

2. Contained in Abu Sa'd, and verily their assemblage
In a man in our time is magnificent

٢. حَواها أبو سعْدٍ واِنَّ اجتماعها
على رجُلٍ في عصرنا لعظيمُ

3. So came Sa'd al-Din, aspiring to the most high
His dwellings are sanctuaries for the reverent

٣. فجاء رضيَّ الدين ندْباً إِلى العُلى
منازلُهُ للخائفينَ حَريمُ

4. He is the man, while his wealth is scattered
And dispersed, his honor is safe and intact

٤. هو المرءُ أمَّا مالُهُ فمُرَزَّأٌ
شَتيتٌ وأمَّا عِرضُهُ فَسليمُ