
I asked the Lord of the Throne, the Lord of Muhammad

سألت إله العرش رب محمد

1. I asked the Lord of the Throne, the Lord of Muhammad
For the survival of Vizier Ahmed ibn Muhammad

١. سألتُ إِلهَ العرشِ رَبَّ مُحمَّدِ
بَقاءَ الوزير أحمدَ بن مُحمَّدِ

2. Obeyed when he executes the commands of his day
With him I feel safe from the evils of tomorrow

٢. مُطاعاً إذا أمْضى أوامِرَ يوْمِهِ
به آمِناً شَرَّ العواقبِ في غَدِ

3. When the prey of kings kiss his carpet
Pride carries the lowest of them to prudence and kindness

٣. إذا لَثَمتْ صيدُ الملوكِ بِساطَه
حوى الفخر أدناهم إلى الكُمِّ واليد

4. He is but the star on the horizon of loftiness
With him the seekers of glory and honor are guided

٤. فما هو إِلا النَّجمُ في أُفقِ العُلى
به طالبُ العَلْياء والمجْد يهْتدي

5. Deceitful is the flash of mortals, his veil easy to lift
And the lodging of the two guests is soon to appear

٥. أغَرُّ لَموعُ البِشْر سهلٌ حجابُه
وشيكُ قِرى الضِّيفان طلاع أنجُد

6. He comforts every outcast with his kindness
And shelters with benevolence every homeless

٦. يُؤنِّسُ بالألطافِ كلَّ مُنَفَّرٍ
ويحوي من الإحسان كلَّ مُشرَّدِ

7. He is generous without being deceitful
And initiates good without being forced

٧. فيسْمَحُ بالإِكرامِ غير مُخادَعٍ
ويبْدأ بالمعروفِ غيرَ مُصَرَّدِ

8. His joy from the love of noble deeds is as if
The sublime words have quenched him with pure wine

٨. ونَشْوانُ من حُبِّ المعالي كأنما
سَقتْهُ أحاديث العُلى خمر صرخد

9. He lent the excellence of his achievements to Munif Al-Tawd
And his resolve to the sharp polished sword

٩. أعار مُنيفَ الطَّوْدِ فضل أناتِه
وعزْمتَهُ حَدَّ الحُسامِ المُهنَّدِ

10. So he did not care for the howling paper rustling in the wind
Nor feared the short necked hyenas

١٠. فلم يحفل الهوجاءَ أورَقُ شامخٌ
ولم يرهب القِرْضابُ هامَة أصْيد

11. Narrowness hurts him even slightly and his chest is spacious
Rivaling every honored arrival

١١. يضيقُ بأدنى العار ذرعاً وصدرهُ
رحيبٌ يُباري كل مَرْتٍ وفدفد

12. And his lofty years guide those who come at night
To his generosity without need for fire or hearth

١٢. ويهْدي سَناهُ الطَّارقين عَشيَّةً
إلى جودهِ من قَبْلِ نارٍ ومَوْقِدِ

13. Some take refuge in his justly used sword
While his forbearance sheaths the fierce warriors

١٣. يلوذُ بعضْبٍ مُصْلت النَّصل جارُه
وفي حلم محجوب الغِرارين مُغْمَد

14. With his pardon he erases any great sin
And with his power protects every outcast

١٤. يفمحو بصفْحٍ منهُ كلَّ كبيرةٍ
ويحْمي ببأسٍ منه كل مُطَرَّدِ

15. If his days exceed the promise of pride
Clinging to the acts of the abject flexible enemy

١٥. إذا مطلتْ أيامُه وعْدَ مَفْخَرٍ
تَعلَّقها فِعْلَ الغَريمِ اليَلَنْدَد

16. So the crown of kings leads him resolutely
As an obedient trained horse with a strong hand

١٦. فيقْتادُهُ تاجُ الملوكِ بعَزْمَةٍ
كما انقاد مَخْشوشٌ بساعِد أيِّد