1. I praised you out of affection, not out of greed,
For there's a great difference 'twixt affection and greed.
١. مدحتُكم للودِّ لا لرَغيبَةٍ
وشَتَّانَ ما بين الرَّغائبِ والوِدِّ
2. You were generous, yet I did not repay your kindness,
Fearing to cast the pearl of praise before the swine.
٢. فجُدتم ولم أُقدم على ردِّ جودكم
مخافَة أنْ أرْمى بداهيةِ القِدِّ
3. You shunned the delight of rhymes though they approached you
Like thirsty ones seeking the rose's perfume.
٣. ونفَّرتم أنس القوافي وقد دنتْ
إليكم دُنوَّ العاطشاتِ من الورْدِ
4. When I saw praise was a duty owed you,
I felt shame at taking reward for lauding you.
٤. ولما رأيتُ المدحَ فيكم فريضَةً
تحرَّجت من أخذ الجزاء على الحمد
5. So say to the leader of faith I want from you,
Neither dew nor glory my soul covets from you.
٥. فقُلْ لرئيس الدين ما لي وللندى
وحاجات نفسي منك في طلب المجد