
His zeal remains steadfast, though unrest assail,

له هزة لو لا تقاه ونسكه

1. His zeal remains steadfast, though unrest assail,
Else I had said the radiant knight did fail.

١. له هِزَّةٌ لو لا تُقاهُ ونُسْكُه
لقلتُ أصابَ البابِليَّ المُشعْشَعا

2. When noble deeds of glory are recalled,
His splendours shine the brightest of them all.

٢. اذا ذكر المسعى الحميدُ وعُدِّدت
سَراةُ المعالي أرْوعاً ثمَّ أرْوعا

3. He holds aloof from plaints of severance,
And tends renown and glory with diligence.

٣. يُعيرُ مقالَ الهُجْر منه تَصامُماً
ويُرْعي العُلى والمجد قولاً ومسمعا

4. With fixed resolve he tames the contumace,
And with wise rede the caviller convinces.

٤. يُفَلِّلُ بالعزْم الذَّوابَ والظُّبي
ويصرعُ بالرأي الكميَّ المُقَنَّعا

5. When harm breaks out, a raging fire to be,
Though tangled be the plea he disentangles it with ease.

٥. يكونُ اذا ما صرحَّ الشرُّ مِسْعراً
واِنْ أشكل القول المُنازع مصقَعا

6. To peace he settles, fertile, hallowed rest;
If once established, nothing breaks his zest.

٦. مُعَرَّسُ خصبٍ للمُسالم آمِنٌ
فان أحفظته حالةٌ كان جَمْجعا

7. He aids unasked the seeker of his aid;
If asked, his bounty lavishly displayed.

٧. يجودُ لراجيهِ وسائلِ رِفْدهِ
فان هو لم يُسْألْ نداهُ تبرَّعا

8. Religion's glory strove, nor ever ceased,
Till in one fold all fame he had released.

٨. سعى شرف الدين الهُمامُ فلم يزلْ
وَصُولَ الخُطى حتى حوى المجد أجمعا

9. As though the bright sun's paradise of light
Oped in two worlds its visage to the sight.

٩. كأنَّ مِجَنَّ الشمس غُرَّة وجهه
يكون له أفْقُ القميصين مطْلعا