
May Allah reward me for the virtues of Hashim's clan,

جزى الله عني من ذؤابة هاشم

1. May Allah reward me for the virtues of Hashim's clan,
Generous in advice, their nobility makes conversation delightful.

١. جزى اللهُ عني من ذؤابةِ هاشمٍ
غزير النُّهى تفني الحديث مكارمه

2. They are open-handed with kindness and hold back nothing,
So pardon them if they are blamed for their generosity.

٢. توسَّع في المعروف والعُدْم حابسٌ
يديه فعافيه على البذل لائمُهْ

3. They bring life with the good they do for a friend or foe,
And go about their affairs peacefully.

٣. من الخير ما يُحيي وليَّاً ويحتوي
عدواً ويغدو الخطبُ وهو مُسالمهْ

4. The flow of years cannot withstand their support
When the barren land is visited by its clouds.

٤. يذود حَدابيرَ السنين نوالُه
اذا عَدَتِ الحيَّ الجديبَ غمائمه

5. Deft and shrewd in events and experiences,
Their swords gleam and their resolves are firm.

٥. ضروبٌ أريبٌ في الحوادث والطُّلى
صوارمهُ مضَّاءةٌ وعزائمُهْ

6. A young man whose hours are filled with noble deeds
Too confining for seekers when he holds audience.

٦. فتىً مُلئتْ ساعاتُه بعوارفٍ
تَضايقُ عنها للوفودِ مواسمهْ

7. As if a perfume seller emptied his flask,
And the pure original scent wafted forth.

٧. كأنَّ عِطاراً فُض من نشر عرضه
تَفاوح منه بالأصيلِ لَطائمهْ

8. He forgave and remained composed until he rose high,
His daggers in his time and his acts of mercy.

٨. عفا وسطا حتى استمرَّت إِلى العُلى
مفاتِكُه في عصرهِ ومرَاحِمُهْ

9. Seeing him, worries become delights,
And the stubborn age has its crimes forgiven.

٩. برؤيتهِ تغْدو الخطوبُ مباهجاً
وتُغْفْرُ للدهر العنودِ جَرائمُهْ

10. So do not stumble at the minister's slippers,
For his strongholds are a refuge for the hunted.

١٠. فلا زلَّ نعْلٌ بالوزير فانهُ
ملاذُ الطَّريدِ أسلمتهُ معاصمُهْ