
When the Kaaba of the house appeared as a Kaaba

ولما تراءت كعبة البيت كعبة

1. When the Kaaba of the house appeared as a Kaaba
Among the people, its summit was crowned by Abul Fadl

١. ولمَّا تَراءتْ كَعْبَةُ البيتِ كَعْبَةً
منَ الناسِ كَنَّتْها العُلى بأبي الفضْلِ

2. Its rites were veneration without a set season
That was specifically observed, or words that were limited, or deeds.

٢. مَناسِكُها التَّأميلُ منْ غيرِ موْسِمٍ
يُخَصُّ ولا قوْلٍ يُحَدُّ ولا فِعْلِ

3. The purified circle it while the sanctuary remains protected.
So their benevolence suffices the evil of the sanctuary.

٣. يَطوفُ بها العافونَ والمَحْلُ عارِقٌ
فيكْفيهُمُ إِحْسانُهُ شِرَّةَ المَحْلِ

4. The mother of towns wept its longing at the dawn of departure
And showed grief when the duration of union did not last.

٤. بكَتْ شَجْوها أمُّ القُرى غُدْوَةَ النَّوى
وأبْدَتْ أسىً إذْ لم تَدُمْ مُدَّةَ الوصْلِ

5. What then is the thought of prolonged company and a town
Whose people excel in virtue over virtue?

٥. فما الظَّنُ بالأنْسِ الطَّويلِ وبَلْدَةٍ
يجودُ بَنيها صوبُ فضْلٍ على فَضْلِ

6. As if the leader of the faith when he was absent from them
Was a cloud that crossed the permanent sands with rain.

٦. كأنَّ زعيمَ الدِّينِ إذْ غابَ عنهُمُ
غَمامٌ تَعدَّى الهامِداتِ مع الهَطْلِ

7. Abundant in piety, he does not covet the glory of his religion,
Nor does his might transgress the ways of justice.

٧. غَزيرُ التُّقى لا يَحْرِصُ العِزُّ دينَهُ
ولا يَتَعدَّى بأسُهُ سُنَنَ العَدْلِ