1. The hands of misfortunes have surpassed you, and avoided
Your envied abode, O hands of calamities!
١. تخطَّتكُم أيدي الخُطوب وجانبتْ
مقامكُمُ المحسودَ أيْدي النَّوائبِ
2. And you have remained, O house of Al Muzaffar, a protection
For the guest and a shelter for the eager seekers.
٢. ولا زِلْتُمُ آلَ المُظَفَّرِ عصْمةَ
النَّزيلِ ومأوى المُرْملين السَّواغِبِ
3. And the glory of Qays has not ceased to be with you,
Rivaling the breasts of the lofty ships.
٣. ولا بَرحتْكُم عِزَّةٌ قَعْسريَّةٌ
تُباري صدور المُرْهفات القَواضب
4. And all your rise, ancient and modern,
And what is counted of lasting pride, going and coming -
٤. وكلُّ عُلاكُمْ من قديمٍ وحادثٍ
وما عُدَّ من فخرٍ مُقيمٍ وذاهبِ
5. It contained it, so it grew between generosity and excellence,
The beauty of the world, the adornment of intimacy and processions.
٥. حواها فأرْبى بين جودٍ ونَجْدةٍ
جمالُ الورى زيْنُ الوغى والمواكب
6. Abu Al-Faraj Al-Hamawi's palms whose benevolence
Flows abundantly when the clouds are miserly.
٦. أبو الفَرَجِ الهامي نَوالُ بَنانِه
إذا بخلَتْ بالجَوْد وُطْفُ السَّحائب
7. The most soothing that reveals the hidden chances is his generosity,
And from his face the darkness of the unknown is illuminated.
٧. أغَرُّ يُجلِّي غيهبَ الحظِّ جودُه
ومن وجههِ يُجلى ظلامُ الغَياهب
8. When the support of the religion approached the conduct of the high,
He spurred the rushing ones in the faces of the steps.
٨. إذا عضد الدين اقْترى سِيَرَ العُلى
حَثا الهَبواتِ في وجوهِ المَراتبِ
9. So every towering one faded before his hearing,
And every nearer became, to him, all who sought nearness.
٩. فخبْتٌ على مسْعاته كلُّ شامخٍ
ودانٍ قريبٌ عنده كلُّ عازِبِ
10. If he undertook it with a resolve of support,
He showed it the gravel of Al-Ma'zaa', blossoms of stars.
١٠. إذا ما امْتطاها هِمَّةً عَضُديَّةً
أرته حَصى المعْزاء زُهر الكواكب
11. Vitality and shyness in greetings, comfort,
And gentle apology in tremendous matters.
١١. حَياً وحَياءٌ في مُحَيّاً وراحَةٍ
ولطف اعتذارٍ في ضخام الرَّغائِب
12. So he made the month of fasting happy through his devotion,
Pious, praiseworthy endeavor, and perfect traits.
١٢. فهُنِّي شهر الصَّوم منه بناسِكٍ
تَقيٍّ حميدِ السَّعْي جَمِّ المَناقِبِ