
May Allah protect the pillars of nobility from dishonor,

وقى الله أستار العلى من خزيمة

1. May Allah protect the pillars of nobility from dishonor,
The turns of nights continue to bring them good fortune.

١. وقى اللّهُ أستار العُلى من خُزيمَةٍ
صُروف الليالي واستمر لها السَّعْدُ

2. Then comes the inherited piety and lineage that,
When the generations are counted, it is the highest.

٢. فثمَّ التُّقى الموروث والحسبُ الذي
إذا عُدَّ أحْسابُ الورى فهو العِدُّ

3. You have raised the cups of honor until you were obeyed,
And the white swords and armor feared you.

٣. فرَعْتُمْ قِنان العِزِّ حتى أطاعكُمْ
وخافكُم بيضُ الصَّوارم والجرْدُ

4. You have gained scattered glories until the farthest,
Distant dunes and heights came to you.

٤. وحُزتم شتيت الفخر حتى أتاكُمُ
بغايتهِ الغوْرُ المُباعِدُ والنَّجْدُ

5. Your darkness is a dawn with your castles aflame,
And your dawn is a night blackened with embers.

٥. ظلامُكُمُ صُبْحٌ بنارِ قِراكُمُ
وصُبحكم ليلٌ من النَّقْع مُسْوَدُّ

6. Among the two encampments you have a pride,
That when its days are counted, glory bows down.

٦. وإنَّ لكُمْ بين الدُّبَيْسين مفْخراً
إذا عُدِّدتْ أيامُه سَجد المَجْدُ