
A command obeyed has come to me

أمر مطاع أتاني

1. A command obeyed has come to me
From the protectors, pure and sublime,

١. أمرٌ مُطاعٌ أتاني
من الهُمامِ الحُلاحل

2. From the knight of generosity, grace,
And forbidding evil, excelling in rhyme,

٢. من فارسِ الجودِ والبأ
سِ والنُّهى والفضائل

3. In eloquent, lucid verse,
As if it were Babylonian magic lines,

٣. في نظم شِعْرٍ فَصيحٍ
كأنه سِحْرُ بابلْ

4. It came while my mind
Was preoccupied with the burdens of time,

٤. أتى وعِندي بهمِّي
من الزَّمانِ شواغِلْ

5. And my thoughts like an unpolished sword
Neglected among the blades that shine,

٥. وخاطري كحُسامٍ
قد أغْفلتهه الصَّياقِلْ

6. I almost refrained, were it not
For the loftiness of the question divine,

٦. فكِدتُ أُمْسك لولا
عُلوُّ قدْرِ المُسائلْ

7. Borne by one knowing truths
And excelling over all in his prime,

٧. وحامِلٌ لِعلومٍ
أصابَ فيها الأوائلْ

8. Called for correcting what is right
Though most of it is false and malign.

٨. يُدعى بتقويمِ حقٍّ
وجُلُّ ما فيه باطلْ