
The palace and al-Mashrafiyya at dawn

كأن القنا والمشرفية بالضحى

1. The palace and al-Mashrafiyya at dawn
Seem at an impasse where its stars have vanished

١. كأنَّ القَنا والمَشْرفيَّةَ بالضُّحى
لدى مأزقٍ غابت بصبحٍ كواكبهْ

2. Ruled by the heroes of a noble lineage
Who spurned the despised strangling and its disgraceful companion

٢. تُصَرِّفها أبطالُ وِتْرٍ تَرفَّعوا
عن الشَّنقِ المرذول والعار صاحبه

3. They refused anything but a fatal blow in the battlefields
And a stab like a wolf’s fang that bloodies foxes

٣. أبَوْا غير ضربٍ في المفارق أرْعلِ
وطعنٍ كولْغ الذئب تدمى ثعالبهْ

4. Suta's honor and determination
Against the matter made the capable weary of its demands

٤. سُطا شرف الدين الوزير وعزمهُ
على الأمر أعْيا القادرين مطالبُهْ

5. Aspirations like the sharp edge of a sword, a call to the heights
Abundant are his hands and numerous his virtues

٥. همامٌ كنصل السيف ندبٌ إِلى العلى
جزيلٌ أياديهِ كثيرٌ مَناقبهْ

6. Whenever hopes of glory and sublimity brewed
His pens and arrows contained them for him

٦. اذا شطَّ مأمولٌ من المجد والعُلى
حوتْهُ له أقلامهُ وقواضِبهْ

7. Progressing while the zeal of men are his pillars
Ongoing while the plains of steeds are his paths

٧. فماضٍ وهاماتُ الرجالِ غُمودُه
وجارٍ وساحاتِ الطُّروسِ مذاهبه

8. Racing to him in peace and battle
Are his praiseworthy books and battalions

٨. تبارى اليهِ عند سَلْمٍ ومَعْركٍ
حميديْنِ منه كُتبهُ وكَتائبهْ

9. When the clouds' rain is stingy with its pouring
His good qualities make him needless of wishes

٩. اذا بخل الجون المُسفُّ بودقْهِ
على مُسْنتٍ أغنتهُ عنه رغائبهْ

10. Unbound in gallantry, his generosity outpaces mankind
And his excellent apologies are rewarded

١٠. طليقُ المُحيَّا يسبق البشر جوده
وتتبعُ حُسْنَ الاِعتذارِ مواهبه

11. As if the Zephyr's delight in his talk
Were a Dar'i voice revealing its burdens

١١. كأَنَّ نديَّ الحي عند حديثهِ
مُعرَّسُ داريٍّ تُفضُّ حقائبُهْ

12. No stubborn but magnanimous and valiant
In morals and paths shaken by him

١٢. فلا ناشِقٌ اِلا جَوادٌ وباسِلٌ
تَهزُّهُما أخلاقهُ ومذاهبهْ

13. A lad of blessed birth and nature
And blessed are his endeavors and gains

١٣. فتىً طابَ ميلاداً وطابَ غريزةً
وطابت مساعيه وطابتْ مكاسبهْ

14. So he came like pouring rain, crowding
Swimming playfully, enjoying its drinker

١٤. فجاء كغمرِ الماء يُرْدي مُزحماً
ويُسْبحُ عوَّاماً ويلْتذُّ شاربه

15. Boasting courageously of fierce blows
And excelling, though time creeps slowly

١٥. يُجاهرُ بالضرب العنيفِ بَسالةً
ويكْبُرُ قدراً أنْ تدبَّ عقاربُهْ

16. Abu Ja'far has planted the caliphate, Mustafa
The guiding Imam of all glory and its horizons

١٦. أَبو جعفرٍ غرس الخلافة مصطفى الا
ِمامةِ هادي كل مجدٍ وغاربُهْ

17. His generosity permitted the darkness of night and fortune
And the light of his existence banished its ambiguities

١٧. أباحَ ظلامَ الليلِ والحَظِّ جودُه
ونورُ مُحيّاهُ فزالتْ غَياهبُهْ