
He has the patience of one accustomed to affliction,

له صبر الدلاص على الرزايا

1. He has the patience of one accustomed to affliction,
And in peril the advance of arrows.

١. له صبرُ الدِّلاصِ على الرَّزايا
وعند الرَّوْعِ اِقْدامُ السِّهامِ

2. When matters grow serious his mien grows stern,
He disperses them with reason and a smile.

٢. اذا الخطبُ اكفهرَّ جَلا دُجاهُ
فَضَوَّاهُ برأيٍ وابْتِسامِ

3. His dignity makes the arrogant esteem him,
His firmness makes the clouds envy him.

٣. يودُّ وقارَهُ عادِيُّ طَوْدٍ
ويحْسدُ كَفَّهُ صَوْبُ الغَمامِ

4. His character passes over enemies
And takes delight in merriment and regret.

٤. خلائقُه تَمُرُ على الأعادي
وتَعْذُبُ في الفُكاهةِ والنِّدامِ

5. He has lawful wealth for enjoyment
Which wards off poverty from an honoured man.

٥. لهُ مالٌ حَلالٌ للْمَقاوي
يذود الفقْرَ عن عَرَضٍ حَرامِ

6. Quick to pardon when a crime is manifest
From one slow to take vengeance.

٦. سَريعُ العفْو حين يجِلُّ جُرْمٌ
لِمُجْترمٍ بَطيءُ الاِنتقامِ