1. With oaths of glorious might ascending on high,
A folk who trace back their line to honored Qussay.
١. وأحْلاف مجدٍ موجفينَ إِلى العُلى
لهم من قُصيٍّ انتسبوا رهطُ
2. The horses champ the bits as though they were
Mares with their young, kept apart from the herd.
٢. تُقِلُّمُ الجُرْدُ الجيادُ كأنها
سراحينُ ثَلاَّتٍ بمَوماتها مُعْطُ
3. With reason sound they form their plan of battle
For every keen mind that unfolds its thought.
٣. يَرودونَ رأياً من لَبيبٍ مُعايرٍ
لكل عِقالٍ منْ رَويَّتهِ نَشْطُ
4. I gave them, adorned in mail and armed for war,
Eloquence drawn from script and nature's law.
٤. منحتهم أسطارَ طِرْسٍ ومعْركٍ
بليغينِ مما أنْبت الخطُّ والخَطُّ
5. So to them the kings' prey has become submissive,
To each stalwart whose bonds grip it in hold.
٥. فعادتْ لهم صيدُ الملوكِ أذِلَّةً
لكل طليقٍ من كُماتهمُ رَبْطُ
6. One whose favor brings near, like Zainab's vizier,
Though aloof, as when barriers rise between.
٦. ومنْ كالوزيرِ الزَّينبيِّ مُقَرِّباً
بعيد العُلى اذا حال من دونه الشَّحط
7. A youth whom compliance delights not through mildness
Nor anger deters him from bounty, for all his wrath.
٧. فتىً لا يُدانيهِ رِضاهُ لِلينَةٍ
تُذِلُّ ولا يثْنيه عن كرمٍ سخط