
The horses complained of the night-journey and the ostriches,

شكت صهوات الخيل والسمر والظبى

1. The horses complained of the night-journey and the ostriches,
And the meadows were downcast and the sharp swords.

١. شكَت صَهَوات الخيل والسُّمر والظبى
وهُنَّ المواضي والشِّدادُ الصَّلادِم

2. The caves of Al-Hutham, the perfumed, were adorned
With his determination, as the day was gloomily dark.

٢. مَغارَ الهثمام الأريحيِّ مُقَلَّدٍ
وإِقْدامَهُ واليوم بالنَّقْعِ قاتِمُ

3. Throats complain of him in every strait,
When the battle intensifies and the skulls.

٣. كما تشتكي منه لدى كلِّ مأزِقٍ
رقابٌ إذا جَدَّ الوَغى وجَماجمُ

4. So it is regrettable for them someone of keen determination preceding,
And regrettable for them one who shatters with striking and stabbing.

٤. فحسرى لها من مُرهف العزم سابقٌ
وكَسْرى لها بالضرب والطَّعن حاطم

5. Brave as the cutting edge of a sword, yet his face
Is beautiful, and his limit is sharp.

٥. جريءٌ كنصل السيف أما فِرنْدُه
فزيْنٌ وأما حَدُّهُ فهو صارِمُ

6. When the man cried out with his generosity,
And with patience the man cried out with the exemplary courage.

٦. إذا أندياتُ الحي أنْثَتْ بجودِهِ
وبالحلم أنْثَتْ بالنِّزالِ المَلاحم

7. So he is protective during peace and war,
The blood of enemies abundant and the noble acts.

٧. فهاميَةٌ في سَلْمِهِ ونِزالِهِ
دماءُ الأعادي ثَرَّةً والمَكارِمُ

8. And rumbling as the torrent with blood swirling,
Its poles roaring and the warring.

٨. ورجراجةٍ كالجون بالدم حافلٍ
رواعِدُها ضوْضاؤها والغَماغِمُ

9. The dawn has become from it a darkened night,
Its shining stars the ibexes and the warriors.

٩. غدا الصُّبح منها ليلةً مُدْلَهمَّةً
كواكبها البيض الظُّبى واللَّهاذِمُ

10. The valleys narrowed around it until they rubbed against each other
The horseshoes and the spears clashed.

١٠. وضاقتْ بها القيعانُ حتى تداوست
سنابك واصْطَكَّ القَنا والصَّوارم

11. The shy game fled so it emptied
Its slopes, its darkness, and its precipices.

١١. وفرَّ لها الوحش العزيبُ فأقفرت
أداحِيُّ من ظِلْمانها وصَرائِم

12. With it every broad-armed is humbled
And transferred by the easy lead, the knights.

١٢. بها كلُّ مشبوحِ الذراع يُقِلُّهُ
وينْقُلهُ سَهْلُ القِيادِ ضُبارِمُ

13. As if its steeds in the wilderness are Saiga antelopes
And its horsemen lions, wolves, and snarling beasts.

١٣. كأنَّ قَناها بالفَلاةِ وَشيجَةٌ
وفُرسانَها آسادُها والضَّراغِمُ

14. A Nasirid army opened its sanctuary so the hyenas of the deserts prospered
A youth whose endeavor for wealth is erect and new

١٤. أباحَتْ حِماها حمْلةٌ ناصريَّةٌ
فأخصب ذؤبانُ الفَلا والقَشاعِمُ

15. But he in nobility and generosity is a demolisher
He turns the youth of the army violent, his might magnificent

١٥. فتىً سعْيهُ للمال بانٍ مُشيِّدٌ
ولكنَّهُ بالفضْلِ والجودِ هادِمُ

16. As the new moon turned away in shame, the dishonorable nobles.
For the guest and ravens at dawn and nightfall

١٦. يَفُلُّ شَباةَ الجيش رائعُ بأسهِ
كما فلَّتِ المَحْلَ الشَّنيع المكارِم

17. Are ample foods from the heap and gathered pile.
When the heights of ‘Ulayy boast and recount

١٧. فللضيف والعِقبان بالصبح والدجى
من الكومِ والذِّمْر الكميِّ مَطاعِم

18. Events from its loftiness and ancient times.
Then the endeavor of ash-Shunaynah follows boasting

١٨. إذا افتخرت عُلْيا عُقيلٍ وعُدِّدتْ
حوادثُ منْ عَلْيائها وقَدايمُ

19. Wishing its past is the first and earliest.
Its glory eclipsed the glory of the adorned one and clamored

١٩. فأعْقبَها مسْعى الشُّنينةِ مفْخراً
يَوَدُّ سَناهُ الأوَّلُ المُتَقادِمُ

20. The old and it became a star while it was sleeping.

٢٠. شَآى مَجْدَها مجدُ المُقَلَّدِ وارْعوى
القديمُ وأضحى مُنجِماً وهو ناجمُ