1. When he rises to speak, awe descends upon him,
Returning the eloquent tongue to stammering confusion.
١. اذا ما انْتدى حَلَّتْ عليه مَهابةٌ
تُعيدُ الفصيح الذِّمْر نكساً مجمجما
2. The serenity of Ahmed has been bestowed upon him,
And whoever went to draw water from the clouds returned empty-handed.
٢. أُفيضت عليه من سكينةِ أحمدٍ
ومَنْ راح يستسقي الغمامَ فأثْجما
3. When the arrow of destiny pierced the armor of his determination,
Slaughter prevailed until you would think the horsemen lay smashed.
٣. اذا قذفتْ بالنِّقْس مُلْدُ يراعهِ
توى القِتلُ حتى تحسب الطرس مصْدِما
4. A young man who filled all ears with praise of his merit,
As he filled the days with severity and kindness.
٤. فتىً مَلأَ الأسْماع سائرُ حمدهِ
كما ملأَ الأيام بأساً وأنْعُما
5. Cares waver while he remains steadfast, so you would think
The storms to be but a gentle breeze and the vizier mumbling.
٥. تطيش الرزايا وهو ثبتٌ فتحسب ال
خطوبَ نسيماً والوزيرَ يلَمْلما
6. Whenever the horsemen of a tribe disputed with him,
He would surpass them in nobility and generosity.
٦. وما ساجَلَتْهُ من سَراةِ قبيلةٍ
ففاخر اِلا كان أعْلى وأكرَما
7. He returns the howl of drought to the meadows of rainfall,
Though the horizons had been dusty and gloomy.
٧. يُعيد هجير الجدب عازبَ روضةٍ
وقد كان مُغْبرَّ المطالعِ أقْتما
8. In him there is forbearance towards threats, and his promise
Of imminent fulfillment permits no delay.
٨. وفيه أناةٌ للوعيدِ ووعْدهُ
وشيكُ القضاء لا يُجيزُ التَّلوُّما
9. Zeal bears him towards demands,
Surpassing the ambitious and the plodding beast of burden.
٩. تَحمَّلُه نحوَ المَطالبِ هِمَّةٌ
تفوقُ المَذاكي والمَطيِّ المُخَزَّما