
The sorrows refused to grow accustomed to my heart and my defender

أبى الهم أن يعتاد صدري وناصري

1. The sorrows refused to grow accustomed to my heart and my defender
To sorrows, there is no heart like my heart

١. أبى الهمُّ أن يعتاد صدري وناصري
على الهمِّ صدرٌ لم يكن مثله صدرُ

2. And the vicissitudes of fate were subdued from me and protected me
With the might of a minister, the ages take pride in him

٢. وذَّلت صروف الدهر عني وعصمتي
ببأسِ وزيرٍ فيه يفْتخرُ الدهْرُ

3. And hopes called out to me willingly and my glory
From the son of Ubayd Allah, an exalted army dressed in armor

٣. ونادت لي الآمال طوعاً ومنُجدي
من ابْن عُبيد اللهِ جيش عُلاً مجْر

4. The villages are soon in his kindness a place of comfort
In it the melody and generosity like wine

٤. وشيكُ القِرى في عطفه أريحيَّةٌ
يظلُّ بها نشْوانَ والكَرمُ الخمر

5. If he strikes the land of the protected with his generosity
And favors it, death dies and poverty flees

٥. اذا صاب أرضَ المُعْتفين بجودهِ
ونُعْماهُ مات المحْلُ وانهزم الفقر

6. His affections strengthen love with an impartial one
Clement, who has forgiveness in every honored one

٦. تُشدُّ حُباهُ في النَّديِ براجحٍ
حليمٍ له في كل مُعْظمةٍ غَفْرُ

7. It is as if the words of the minister and his mention
Are the first drops of the meadow of sadness by the rain

٧. كأنَّ أحاديثَ الوزيرِ وذِكرَه
منابتُ روضِ الحَزْن باكرها القطر