1. If generosity's instincts are reckoned as faults
Then Sa'd al-Din is accused of indulgence.
١. إذا عُدَّتْ سَراةُ الجودِ طُرَّاً
فسعد الدين متبوعُ السَّماحِ
2. With a bright face, neither frowning nor dejected,
Nor timid when the struggle looms ahead.
٢. طليقُ الوجهِ لا جَهْمٌ قطوبٌ
ولا هيَّابةٌ عند الكفاحِ
3. When he girds for valor and bounty intertwined
He charges the peaks and the rugged terrain.
٣. إذا ما اسْتَنَّ في بأسٍ وجُودٍ
أبَرَّ على الغوادي والصِّفاحِ
4. His pleasure and anger toward his proteges
Are a poison and balm toward hostile men.
٤. رضاهُ وسُخْطُهُ في مُعْتَفِيهِ
وفي الأعداء من سَمٍّ ورَاحِ
5. His gifts are rain pouring from the clouds,
His affection, the radiant light of dawn.
٥. بنانٌ مثلُ سَحِّ الغَيْثِ رِفْداً
وودهٌ مثلُ مُنْبَلَج الصَّباحِ
6. Pens and words are humbled before his glory,
More helpless than meadows against the spear.
٦. شَبا الأقوالِ والأقلام منهُ
أشدُّ من المواضي والرماحِ
7. Though slander assails him like flashes of white swords,
His eloquence scatters them in defeat.
٧. تصولُ لها ذِمٌ وشِفارُ بيضٍ
فيهزمُهنَّ بالغُرِّ الفِصاحِ
8. Deep in my heart, with its battle-scarred walls,
Lives a passion for glory and high renown.
٨. بقلبي من سَجايا المجْدِ فيه
هوى العِزْ هاةٍ بالخوْدِ الرَّداحِ