
Faults flee his glory, fearing his perfect traits,

تفر صنوف العيب عن نيل مجده

1. Faults flee his glory, fearing his perfect traits,
His manners gentle, virtues sweet abound,

١. تَفِرُّ صنوف العيب عن نيل مجده
وتَهْنا بهِ أخلاقُهُ وفَضائِلُهْ

2. No fleeting youth for one of wisdom great,
Nor greedy hands where generous gifts redound,

٢. فللِكبْر بِشرٌ لا يحولُ صباحُه
وللبُخلِ جُودٌ لا تَغِبُّ نوافله

3. No coward he whom war itself awaits,
Though past defeats have brought his spirits down,

٣. وللجبْن ضربٌ في الكتيبة أرْعَلٌ
يُفلَّلُ ماضيهِ ويُحْطَمُ ذابِلُهْ

4. No pacts he'll break, though promises he makes,
His days and works by honor's law are bound,

٤. وللغدْرِ عهدٌ لا تَحُلُّ عُقودهُ
موانعُ من أيامِهِ وشَواغِلُهْ

5. His care protects the absent from all harms,
As if he dwelt where those he misses dwell,

٥. وللغيب حِفظُ الغائبين كأنما
مُعادِيهِ في ظَهْرِ المغيبِ مُخاللُهْ

6. If passion makes the ignorant take up arms,
Pacified by his patience wise and well,

٦. وللجهل إِن طاشت حبى القوم راجحٌ
يُطاولُ رضْوى حلمُه ويُثاقلُهْ

7. His foes will grant that he excels in might,
When stir his steeds and flash his swords for fight,

٧. يُقِرُّ له الروعان بالبأس والنَّدى
إذا رُفِعَتْ نيرانُهُ وقَساطِلُهْ

8. In dearth his bounty saves where famine fell,
The King's bright crown is Abu Ja'far's right,

٨. ففي الحرب ذِمْرٌ بالحسام مُعفِّرٌ
وفي الجَدْب فقْرٌ بالنَّدى هو قاتلهْ

9. A vizier, when you need his stalwart aid,
You'll find a trenchant blade by skill made bright.

٩. أبو جعفرٍ تاج المُلوكِ الذي له
مناقِبُ لا يسطيعُها من يُساجِلُهْ

10. His mercy comes if you ask his gentle aid,
Modesty guides him ever to do right.

١٠. وزيرٌ إذا استنجدتَه لمُلِمَّةٍ
هززتَ حُساماً أخْلَصته صياقِله

11. My stream of largesse, from his bounty fed,
Repaid him well with all the gifts I might,

١١. مُجيبٌ إذا استعطفته قاد حِلْمهُ
إليك حَياءٌ لا تدبُّ مخاتلُهْ

12. And songs of praise flowed back for his fair deed,
That roused his liberal hand from slothful plight,

١٢. سقى بحرَ فضلي جودُه في أوانِه
فجازاهُ بَحْري بالذي أنا قائلُهْ

13. As the sea-shells produce their pearls, so he
Outpours the rain of spring with gifts bedight,

١٣. فردَّ قطار الجَوْدِ مني مدائحٌ
تَحلَّى بها جُودٌ تَظَلَّم عاطِلُه

14. The silent ostrich turns her ear to hear
His lofty words, so wondrous is their might,

١٤. كما تصنعُ الدُرَّ البحار إذا همى
لأصْدافِها دَرُّ الرَّبيعِ ووابِلُه

15. His sheltering care, his gifts that disappear,
Are feared and hoped for, lauded with delight.

١٥. تكاد النَّعامُ الصُّمُّ تصغي لذكْرِه
إذا ما غَلَتْ هيْجاؤه ومَراجِله

١٦. فلا زال محميَّ الحمى فائض النَّدى
يُخافُ ويُرجى بأسُهُ وفواضِله