1. Has time, though its crimes have accumulated,
And the most eloquent tongues have been rendered powerless by it,
١. هل للزمان وقد جلَّتْ جرائمُهُ
وأضعف الخطب من تلقائه الجلدا
2. The power to reunite us after our long separation,
So I can make amends for those sins?
٢. أن يجمعَ الشملَ ما بيني وبينكم
حتى أعُدُّ له تلك الذنوبَ يَدا
3. For the vision of my father Nasr weighs heavily upon me
Like water dripping slowly from me along with the flowers.
٣. فإنَّ رؤيا أبي نصْرٍ على كبدي
كالماء ينقعُ مني بالورود صَدى
4. I was tempted by the favor of the sword to the point of death,
Violently, and the pouring rain overflowed excessively.
٤. أغَرُّ تفضل حدَّ السيف عزمتُه
بأساً ويفْضُل هطَّال السحاب جدا