1. The anguish I hide bursts forth,
Who can conceal my tears and lament?
١. هبني كتمتُ لواعجَ البُرَحاءِ
فمن المكتِّمُ عبْرتي وبُكائي
2. Do not forbid my turmoil, for patience
Is contrary to my loyalty for him who caused me pain.
٢. لا تنْهَ عن قلقي فإنَّ تَصَبُّري
فيما ألمَّ مُباينٌ لوفائي
3. How can I be patient when sorrows pierce
Between my ribs and lungs?
٣. كيف التصبُّرُ والهمومُ أسِنَّةٌ
يخْطرْن بين حيازمي وحَشائي
4. How can I see clearly when the calamity of him
Whose calamity I concealed is greater than all calamities?
٤. كيف التبصر والرزية بالذي
جلت رزيته عن الأرزاء
5. The days pursue their course deceiving his hopes,
Like their pursuit into the abyss of annihilation.
٥. بمُطاردِ الأيام في آمالهِ
كَطِرادِه في مأزقِ الهَيْجاءِ
6. They filled the world with tales of virtues
That fluctuated between travel and ascension.
٦. والماليء الدُّنيا بذكرِ مناقبٍ
صُرِّفْنَ بين السَّير والإسْراءِ
7. Of the youth of benevolence, valor and utmost satisfaction
On a day of glorification and day of meeting.
٧. بفتى الندى والبأس والمُرضي العُلى
في يوم مكْرمةٍ ويوم لِقاء
8. Of the father of excellence - and what an honorable agnomen -
Time has passed, and what lofty glory!
٨. بأبي الأغر وأيُّ كُنيةِ ماجدٍ
فقد الزمانُ وأيُّ خِدْنِ عَلاءِ
9. He who constantly foiled the schemes of the enemies
With his might and wise counsel against the cowards.
٩. منْ طالما شُجع الردى فأعادهُ
من بأسه والرأي في الجُبناء
10. Many adversaries gathered against him but he repelled them,
Shackled by the sharp blades of opinions.
١٠. وتجمَّعتْ غِيَرُ الزمانِ فَرَدَّها
مَغلولةً بأسِنَّةِ الآراءِ
11. Strategies shrank before him but he overcame them,
By sincerity and salvation from ruin.
١١. وتضايقتْ خططٌ به فأباحها
خُدعاً قضيْنَ بمخلصٍ ونَجاءِ
12. When the news of his death reached me I had no hearing
To listen to the terrifying, horrible message.
١٢. طرقَ النَّعيُّ فلم يكن لي مسمعٌ
يصغي إلى المكروهةِ الروْعاءِ
13. So I began to speak of it like any other
News and reports I hear.
١٣. فطفِقْتُ أنَّهم الحديثَ كغيره
من سائر الأخبار والأنباءِ
14. But suddenly betrayal seized him
And he departed without delay.
١٤. وإذا الردى قد أمْكنتْهُ غِرَّةٌ
منْ قِرْنه فجرى بلا إبْقاءِ
15. Without Abu Al-Agharr no situation retains
Its splendor and beauty, even if adorned.
١٥. لا طعم بعد أبي الأغَرُّ لحالةٍ
وإن اكتست من رونقٍ وبهاءِ
16. With his death, ambitions and wishes fell.
People everywhere now lack hope.
١٦. صُرعتْ لمصرعه المقاصِدُ والمُنى
فالناسُ كلُّهمُ بغيرِ رجاءِ
17. He left the troops neglected after him,
Wandering for sustenance confusedly.
١٧. ترك الجنودَ بضيعةٍ من بعدهِ
يمشونَ للأرزاقِ في عشواءِ
18. He always gave them [sustenance], and to those from whom he withheld,
He made giving obligatory upon the enemies.
١٨. ما زالَ يُعطيهم ومنْ لم يُعْطهِ
فرض العطاء له على الأعْداءِ
19. So let the shining swords, the spears
And the galloping steeds traversing the desert weep for him.
١٩. فلتبكه البيضُ الصَّوارمُ والقَنا
والسَّباقاتُ لواحِقُ الأمطاءِ
20. And let the fateful day of battle's din weep for him
When every angry battalion attacks.
٢٠. وليبكه اليوم العصيب من الوغى
ينزو بكل كتيبة حمساء
21. And let the pleasant morning whose freshness he restored
Weep for him, like the darkest night.
٢١. وليبكهِ رأدُ الصباحِ أعادهُ
بطرادهِ كالليلةِ اللَّيْلاءِ
22. And let the kindness that neither wine augmented
Nor was sustained by the purest water, weep for him.
٢٢. وليبكهِ اللُّطْفُ الذي لم تؤتَهُ
خَمْرٌ ولم يُرْزَقْهُ صَفوُ الماءِ
23. And let the wayward heart be gladdened by eloquence
That enriched its speaker, beyond giving.
٢٣. وتألُّفُ القلب الشَّريد بمنطقٍ
أغْنى مُومِّلَهُ عن الإعْطاءِ
24. When suburbs were violated and homes' covers torn
By a tumultuous attack,
٢٤. وإذا تغبَّرتِ الفِجاجُ وهُتِّكت
سُتُرُ البيوتِ بزعزعٍ هَوْجاءِ
25. When the killing of the beloved interceded by its severity,
Though stones of the goat-hair tent consoled it,
٢٥. واستنَّ ماءُ الوُطف يشفع سحَّه
خصرٌ تُرَضُّ له حصى المَعْزاءِ
26. And the belongings of the genius were like
The furnishings of homes placed in howdahs.
٢٦. وغَدتْ حشايا العبقري كأنها
وسط البيوتِ نمارقُ الأنْقاء
27. And the lofty standard set out to pursue its course
Like the nocturnal fire that obtained no illumination.
٢٧. وتنوَّر الساري لقصْدِ سبيلهِ
نار اليفاع فلم يفُزْ بضِياءِ
28. At the time of the living's prosperity, the destitute
Were equal to the wealthy in successive misfortunes and calamities.
٢٨. إبان مُثْري الحي مثلُ فقيرهِ
لِترادُفِ اللَّزَباتِ والَّلأواءِ
29. The poverty of Dubais was, in his chastity,
A treasure beyond mounds of riches.
٢٩. فقِري دُبيسٍ كان عند عُفاته
جملُ الغِنى فضْلاً عن الكوْماءِ
30. And the poverty of Armarram was like a stirred-up sea
Whose waves surpassed those of the ocean.
٣٠. وعرمرمٍ كاليمِّ هيجَ بعاصفٍ
فضلتْ غواربُه على الدَّأماءِ
31. A clamor such that if thunder produced it near him
No lightning bolt would sleep from the commotion.
٣١. صخبٌ لو أنَّ الرعد يجلبُ عنده
ما نَمَّ صاعقُ من الضّوضاءِ
32. His lances covered it, though they did not stir
The banner of the sky nor the horizon's expanse.
٣٢. سترتْ سَنابكُه وما ثَوَّرْنهُ
لوْحَ السَّماءِ وقاعَةَ الفَيفاءِ
33. The gathering of swords and reserve forces delighted him,
As well as the roses, the narcissi and the lilies.
٣٣. ظامي الصّوارم والكماة يشوقُهُ
ورْدانِ وردُ طُلىً ووردُ نِهاءِ
34. He was always resolute in the thick of battle,
So as not to be shaken by the threat of cowards.
٣٤. من كل مُحْتدمِ الحفيظةِ ثابتٍ
كي لا يُزنَّ بنَزْقةِ الجُبناءِ
35. If he did not fortify his secret on the day of battle,
It would have flowed openly in the wilderness.
٣٥. لو لم يُحصِّنْ سره عن دعوةٍ
يومَ الوغى لجَرَتْ على البيْداءِ
36. The prince cursed them as dawn broke clearly,
Cursing them like the bitter desert winds.
٣٦. عصف الأمير بهم وقد وضح الضحى
عصف الشمال بمَنْغضِ الوطْفاءِ
37. Oh God, how I bade farewell on the day of Maragha,
As tears flowed unpretentiously!
٣٧. للهِ منْ ودَّعْتُ يوم مراغَةٍ
والدمعُ مُنحدرٌ بغير رياءِ
38. Grieving the distant shrine - how can I endure
The remoteness of a land that harbors my survival?
٣٨. أسفاً على بُعْدِ المزارِ وكيف لي
ببعيدِ دارٍ كافلٍ ببقاءِ
39. I prepared it for my woes, but its loss struck me
With deafening adversity.
٣٩. أعددتهُ لشدائِدي فأصابني
من فقْده بالشِّدَّةِ الصَّماءِ
40. It abandoned the armies and came between brigades
Submitting to fate and destiny.
٤٠. هجر الجيوش وحَلَّ بين كتائبٍ
مُستسلمينَ لحادثٍ وقضاءِ
41. An impregnable stronghold, never weakening, whose vanguards
Were always distinguished with glory.
٤١. سَدِكاً برمْسٍ لا يريمُ وطالما
نحلتْ سوابقُه من الإنضاءِ
42. Amidst a people who overlooked the injustice of enemies
Out of spite towards them, however much they overlooked.
٤٢. في معشرٍ أغضوا على جورِ الردى
بالرُّغمِ منهم أيَّما إغضاءِ
43. They slept heedlessly, resting their heads
On feather pillows after pitching tents.
٤٣. رقدوا على غير الكرى وتوسَّدوا
بعد الرحالِ نمارقَ الدَّهْناءِ
44. They were smeared by the discharge of pus, and they have often
Bound every festering wound.
٤٤. وتضمَّخوا دُفعَ الصَّديد وطالما
رَثَموا بكل لَطيمةٍ ذفْراءِ
45. Decrepitude disfigured their faces with ugliness
And diseased every eyelid with inflammation.
٤٥. قد شوَّه الحُسن البِلى بوجوههم
وأسالَ كل كحيلةٍ نجْلاءِ
46. After you, sleep is forbidden to my eyes
Except drowsing and dozing off unawares.
٤٦. النَّومُ بعدك للجفونِ مُحرَّمٌ
إلا الغِشاش وغالِطَ الإغْفاءِ
47. A son was born who delighted my soul and eased its pain -
Your remainder and the rest of the generous ones.
٤٧. ولد شفى نفسي وهوَّنَ وجْدها
خَلَفَ العُلى وبقيَّةُ الكُرماءِ
48. Whenever our eyes look at him,
They count you among the living.
٤٨. من كلَّما نظرتْ إليه عُيوننا
عَدَّتْك في الباقين والأحْياءِ
49. He has reached the furthest extent in glory while still a youth,
And attained the ways of his forefathers.
٤٩. بلغَ المدى في المجدِ وهو مُراهقٌ
وتَلا إليه طرائِقَ الآباءِ
50. The fine manners befitting rule are his abode -
Shelter of the chaste and courtyard of the destitute.
٥٠. لبِقُ الشَّمائلِ بالإمارة دارهُ
مأوى العُفاةِ ومربعُ الفُقراءِ
51. So you remained the Sword of the State among its swords
For the duration of time, for aid and giving.
٥١. فبقيتَ سيف الدولة بنِ سيوفها
عُمْر الزمان لنجدةٍ وعَطاءِ
52. So if sorrows have surrounded my wings
In sadness, you are the dispeller of gloom.
٥٢. فلئن تكَنَّفت الكُروبُ جوانحي
حُزْناً فإنك كاشفُ الغمَّاءِ
53. The steeds of horses pranced under you, and every
Banner leaned over, twittering with joy.
٥٣. طربتْ جيادُ الخيلِ تحتك وانثنى
يهفو سُروراً بانُ كل لواءِ
54. You left your people ahead in all merits
And possessed all might and bounty.
٥٤. وخلفْت قومك في المناقب كُلِّها
وملكْتَ كلَّ البأسِ والنَّعماءِ
55. And there is the pride of the faith, Fakhr Al-Din,
The intrepid lion and horseman of valor.
٥٥. وهناك فخر الدين رِدْءاً باسلاً
أسَدُ الهياجِ وفارسُ الجَأواءِ
56. He who has always been loyal in his affection for you,
The essence of love, untainted by any blemish.
٥٦. من لم يزل فيكم أمينَ مودَّةٍ
صفْوَ الهوى من شائبِ الأقْذاءِ
57. He never was absent nor severed his loyalty
Amidst the schemes of enemies.
٥٧. ما غابَ قطُّ ولا عَدا بوفائه
في الحادثاتِ تَفَلُّبُ الأعْداءِ
58. I am one of you, so fulfill your pledges of affection,
For you deserve my praises and panegyric.
٥٨. أنا منكُمُ فارعوا عُهودَ مودَّتي
ولكم كريمُ مدائحي وثَنائي
59. I am obligated to a father whose due I have not paid,
And I hope for reward from his sons.
٥٩. أوجبْتُ حقاً في أبٍ لم يَقْضهِ
وجزاءهُ أرجو من الأبْناءِ