
The young man longs for the gusts of the morning breeze to carry him along

يود المسف الجون تحمله الصبا

1. The young man longs for the gusts of the morning breeze to carry him along
He walked slowly at night while the sea was stagnant

١. يودُّ المُسفُّ الجون تحمله الصبا
سرى موهِناً والليلُ كالبحر ماتع

2. The Pleiades rise and set endlessly
Repeating as he wishes, shining however he wants

٢. نشاصُ الثُّريَّا ديمةٌ بعد ديمةٍ
يُعيد ويبدي فهو ما شئتَ هامعُ

3. It has thunder that sounds like
The drums of kings made known by events

٣. له زجلٌ من رعْده فكأنَّهُ
طُبولُ ملوكٍ أعلنتها الوقائعُ

4. The glory of faith assists in every crisis
When the sun sets it brings out the rising moon

٤. نوالَ بهاءِ الدين في كل أزْمَةٍ
اذا غاربٌ أخوى وأخلفَ طالعُ

5. The young man of goodness, his wealth he gives generously
And to his neighbor he is preventing of harm

٥. فتى الخير أمَّا مالُه فهو باذلٌ
وَهوبٌ وأما جارهُ فهو مانعُ

6. Foremost in every pride-stirring goal
The rugged path is smoothed and the far-off made near for him

٦. سبوقٌ إِلى الغايات في كل مفخرٍ
يلينُ له وَعْرٌ ويقربُ شاسعُ

7. When the stars of the noble ones attempt their course
Tomorrow they rise tamed by the ocean

٧. اذا مِرجَمُ العلياءِ حاول شوطهُ
غدا وهو موهونٌ من البُهر ظالعُ

8. Refined by the millstones in times of peace
And in war his blades are unsheathed, ready to cut

٨. منيفٌ من الأطواد في حال سلمه
وفي الحرب مصقول الغرارين قاطع

9. Every steadfast mentor nurtured his ascent
All the councils looked to him for guidance

٩. نماهُ إِلى عليائه كلُّ راجِحٍ
مُشارٍ اذا التفَّتْ عليه المجامعُ

10. So Abu Al-Fadl rose to prominence
Achieving the peaks of glory in his youth

١٠. فجاء أَبو الفضلِ المُبرَّز فارعاً
قِنانَ معالي قومهِ وهو يافعُ

11. The darkness of night recoils from his visage
And the withering roads fear his splendor

١١. يفِرُّ ظلامُ الليل من قسماتهِ
وتخشى ظُباهُ الذابلات الشوارعُ

12. He prefers to give from his hopes like pouring rain
While the empty-handed feel straitened in his presence

١٢. ويفضُلُ آمالَ العُفاةِ كهاطِلٍ
تضيقُ الفَلا عن صوبه وهو واسعُ

13. You Aal al-Muzaffar will always be dew for the meadows
And whenever destruction lingered, a sword to drive it away

١٣. فلا زلْتم آل المُظفَّرِ للنَّدى
وللبأس ما حَلَّ الأراكةَ ساجعُ

14. The days obey you though they disobey others
And the events of each unfold for you marvelously

١٤. تُطيعكمُ الأيامُ وهي عَصيَّةٌ
وتَعْدوكم أحداثُهنَّ الروائعُ