
The breeze blew gently, so I said let us spread out a pleasure garden,

أرج النسيم فقلت نشر خميلة

1. The breeze blew gently, so I said let us spread out a pleasure garden,
With early blossoms and trailing vines,

١. أرِجَ النَّسيمُ فقلتُ نشرُ خميلةٍ
فغمَتْ أنوفَ بَواكِرٍ وأصائلِ

2. Or a Yemeni paradise garden,
Where they shed their robes in an all-enveloping night.

٢. أو رُفْقةٍ يَمَنيَّةٍ عَدنيَّةٍ
فَضُّوا عِيابَهُمُ بليْلٍ شامِلِ

3. The souls of the riders were excited until I thought them
A draft that makes them stagger, the draft of Babylon,

٣. طرِبتْ نفوسُ الركب حتى خلتُهم
شَرْباً تُرَنِّحُهُمْ سُلافةُ بابِل

4. So I marveled at the greening of a garden
For the intoxicated, with all its creeping vines,

٤. فطفقتُ أعجب من تضوُّع روضةٍ
للمُعْرقين ونبْتُها بجُلاجِلِ

5. When the fragrance of blossoms recalled a caliph
Who filled time with his justice and petitioners,

٥. وإذا أريجُ النَّشْر ذكْر خليفةٍ
مَلأ الزَّمانَ بعَدْلِهِ والنَّائلِ

6. The remembrance of the shining imam and his praise
From a mounted traveller, with gifts and a caravan,

٦. ذِكرُ الإمام المُسْتضيءِ وحمده
مِن راحِلٍ بالمْكرُماتِ وقافِلِ

7. He revived the rights of religion, once forgotten
And extinguished the soul of falsehood,

٧. أحْيا حقوقَ الدين وهي دَريسةٌ
مَنْسيَّةٌ وأماتَ نفْسَ الباطلِ

8. And deemed the widespread justice too small for souls
Thirsting, so he followed with pouring generosity,

٨. واسْتصغر العدل العميم لأنْفُسٍ
ظَمِئَتْ فأتْبَعَهُ بجودٍ هاطِلِ

9. When the assemblies were like gardens in bloom, and their fragrance
Spread renown with each noble narrator,

٩. وإذا المجامعُ كالرِّياضِ ونشْرُها
كَرُّ الثَّناءِ بكلِّ راوٍ فاضِلِ

10. If an envious slanderer approached them
The imam raised up for her a cloud of pouring rain,

١٠. فإذا دَنَتْ منها وديقَةُ جاحِدٍ
رفَعَ الإِمامُ لَها سَحابَةَ وابِلِ

11. You see the country joyous and verdant
Through his eminence, with virtues and fine qualities,

١١. فترى البلادَ بهيجةً مُخْضَرَّةً
بعُلاهُ بينَ مكارِمٍ ومَقاوِلِ

12. By him the scent of union was sweet for a lover
And by him the beauty of gardens flowed with splendor,

١٢. طابتْ به طيبَ الوصال لعاشِقٍ
وزهَتْ به زَهْوَ الرياض بحافِل

13. It was as if by him she had become a radiant bride
After she had been a mother indifferent and distracted,

١٣. فكأنَّها منهُ عَروسٌ بَرْزَةٌ
منْ بعدِ ما كانت كَأمٍّ ثاكِلِ

14. Ink and sea, what breach in the plenty of his merit?
And billows of the outpouring of his springs from the shore?

١٤. حَبْرٌ وبحرٌ ما لجُمَّة فضْلِهِ
وعُبابِ فيْضِ بَنانهِ من ساحِلِ

15. Both the position and the learned man suit each other,
Busied with attainments and proofs,

١٥. فالمحْلُ والرَّجُل العليمُ كِلاهما
مُسْتَهْلكانِ بِنائلٍ ودَلائلِ

16. Pure of intention, he does not cheat the commoners,
Neither by guile toward them nor by striking harshly,

١٦. صافي الطَّويَّةِ لا يغُشُّ رَعيَّةً
لا بالخَدوعِ لهُمْ ولا بالخاتِلِ

17. Trusting in a wakeful guardian, they forgot
Their own concerns, while he is not neglectful,

١٧. مُستودعين بساهرٍ غَفلوا به
عنْ هَمِّ أنفُسهم وليس بغافِلِ

18. A shadow who demeans his shirt in his peace
With the most glistening ample endowment,

١٨. زوْلٌ يُزرُّ قميصهُ في سَلْمِه
بأغَرَّ فيَّاضِ النَّوالِ حُلاحِلِ

19. But if he changes and dons his battle dress,
With bright polished sword blades that slash,

١٩. فإذا تَنَكَّر نِيطَ منهُ نِجادُهُ
بمُهنَّدٍ صافي الحَديدةِ قاصِلِ

20. His resolve and his sword vie
In skill and in the knowledge of how to fight,

٢٠. يَتباريانِ فعَزْمُهُ وحُسامُه
سِيَّانِ حِذْقُهُما بعلْمِ مَقاتِل

21. So you remained, O sun of the age and its life,
To guide the perplexed and enrich the destitute,

٢١. فبقيت يا شمس الزَّمانِ وعَيْشه
لرَشادِ حَيْرانٍ وثَرْوةِ عائلِ

22. Shedding the garb of each departed feast
And renewing the next one in the coming seasons,

٢٢. تنْضو ملابس كلِّ عيدٍ ذاهِبٍ
وتُجِدُّ آخرَ مُقْبلاً في القابِل

23. No night has gloomed and taken over with its shadows
A morn on which the blessings of the just imam were invoked.

٢٣. ما جَنَّ ليلٌ واسْتقلَّ بطَرْدِهِ
صُبْحٌ وبوركَ في الإِمامِ العادِل