
My heart refused to go to As-Sadir and its people

أبى القلب أن يأتي السدير وأهله

1. My heart refused to go to As-Sadir and its people
Even if it was said: there is a good life in As-Sadir

١. أبى القلبُ أن يأتيْ السَّديرَ وأهلهُ
وإِنْ قِيلَ : عَيشٌ بالسَّدِيرِ غَريرُ

2. In it there is malaria, fever, and lions hiding
And Amr bin Hind oppressing and tyrannizing

٢. بِهِ البَقُّ ، والحُمَّى ، وأُسْدُ خَفِيَّةٍ
وعمرو بنُ هندٍ يعتدي ، ويجورُ

3. So I do not warn the first group who settled there
And I am warning those who have not come there

٣. فلا أُنذِرُ الحَيَّ الأُولَى نَزلُوا بهِ
وإِنّي لِمَنْ لم يأتِهِ لَنَذيرُ