
We arose at daybreak as companions of Kisra

صبحنا بالبقايس رهط كسرى

1. We arose at daybreak as companions of Kisra
In the morning without any wine from Sawad

١. صَبَحنا بِالبِقايِسِ رهطَ كِسرى
صَبوحاً لَيسَ مِن خَمرِ السَوادِ

2. We arose against them with every roaring warrior
And a swift barefoot rider from the horses of Aad

٢. صَبَحناهُم بِكُلِّ فَتىً كَمِيٍّ
وَأَجرَدَ سابِحٍ مِن خَيلِ عادِ