
The youths departed and turned away, so it flashed

شاب المفارق والأعراض فالتمعت

1. The youths departed and turned away, so it flashed
From its impact at Qudus, its heat stung the non-Arabs

١. شابَ المَفارِقَ وَالأَعراضَ فَالتَمَعَت
مِن وَقعِهِ بِقُديسٍ حَرَّها العَجَمُ

2. The regiments and sorrows failed, and they recoiled
From a slamming it slammed, ruled by its Judge, the Decisive

٢. خابَ الكَتائِبُ وَالأَرزاحُ وَاِنشَمرا
مِن صَكَّةٍ صَكَّها دَيّانُها الحَكَمُ

3. While they were at Jilya, having folded up their beddings
It leaned against them with the hands of the Victorious Protector

٣. بَينا بجيلَةُ قَد كَضَّت سَراتُهُم
مالَت عَلَيهِم بِأَيدي الناصِرِ العصُمُ

4. We advanced toward them as though a driving cold
Would blow its waves, the souls and the bodies.

٤. سِرنا إِلَيهِم كَأَنّا عارِضٌ بَردٌ
تَزجي تَواليه الأَرواحُ وَالرَهَمُ

5. The ancient was for them a dwelling and a battleground
In it the ordinances, the connections, and the blames.

٥. كانَ العَتيقُ لَهُم مَثوىً وَمَعرَكَةً
فيهِ الفَرائِضُ وَالأَوصالُ وَاللَمَمُ