1. Shall I inform Warka that their chief
Is hostage to a horde of chirping sparrows?
١. أَلا أَبلِغا الوركاءَ أَنَّ عَميدَها
رهينَةُ حَشرٍ مِن جيوشِ الزَعافِرِ
2. Patience, then, for he whose surety was a necklace
Of the Bani Amir - nights pass quickly.
٢. فَمَهلاً لِمَن غَرَّت كَفالَةَ حُقَّةٍ
بَني عامِرٍ أُخرى اللَيالي الغَوابِرِ
3. He has been granted two castles which he invests,
Though destiny's dice and fierce lions roar;
٣. أُتيحَ لَهُ صَرحانِ لما تغلهُ
قراعُ الكَماةِ وَاللُيوثِ المَساعِرِ
4. Granted a fire whose flames twist and coil
And spout like a shower of wanton stars.
٤. أُتيحَت لَهُ نارٌ تَسيحُ وَتَلتَوي
وَتَرمي بِأَمثالِ النُجومِ العَباهِرِ