
And to Zarnuj did my raiders march, gathering a great host,

وسائل زرنجا هل كب جمعا

1. And to Zarnuj did my raiders march, gathering a great host,
When they met a difficult region of rugged peaks.

١. وَسائِل زَرنجاً هَل كَبَّ جَمعاً
لما لَقِيَت صِقاعاً مِن صِقاعِ

2. Zarnuj were amazed when they saw me
Routing the people with relentless headache-dealing blows.

٢. لَقَد عَجِبتُ زرنَجُ إِذ رَأَوني
شَعَبتُ القَومَ مِن سُنَنِ الصِداعِ

3. With white swords that lop off limbs,
Whose slamming blows pierce even mail-coats.

٣. بِبيضٍ تَترُكُ الأَطرافَ بَتراً
وَيَهتِكُ وَقعُها زيمَ القِناعِ

4. Ask my people, they know, ask them
About the days when we clashed in combat.

٤. وَقَومي يَعلَمونَ فَسائِلوهُم
بِنا أَيّامَ نَلمَحُ بِالقِراعِ

5. That we do not flee from foes,
But fight them openly on the plain or in ravines.

٥. بأَنا لا نَلوذُ مِنَ الأَعادي
وَنُنزِلُ بِالفَضاءِ وَبِالجِراعِ

6. My swift camel carries me into the fray,
Bounding like a startled oryx frightened from its lair.

٦. وَيَحمِلُني إِلى الهَيجاءِ عَبلٌ
سَبوحٌ مِثلُ مُرتَجِ القِلاعِ

7. It chases after me if I leave it behind,
And follows me even if they dislike my course.

٧. ينفُرُني إِذا ما غِبتُ عَنهُم
وَيَلحَقُني وَإِن كَرِهوا مَصاعي

8. And we kill among them both the slow and the hasty,
Though I had no might to achieve anything there.

٨. وَنَقتُلُ فيهِم قَعصاً وَصَبراً
وَما فِعلي هُناكَ بِمُستَطاعِ

9. I came to them with peace, but they
Met me with a war bright as the shining plains.

٩. دَلَفتُ لَهُم بِما جَنَبوا وَلَكِنَّ
لَقوا حَرباً كَساطِعَةِ البِقاعِ

10. I sent them warning but the people in their folly
Witnessed shame and bowed heads.

١٠. بَعَثتُ بِنَهيهِم وَالقَومُ فيها
شُهودُ بَينَ خِزيٍ وَاِختِضاعِ