1. I wronged myself, though I wanted what would benefit me,
And contended with a wolf, whose driving off I cannot bear.
١. أسأتُ إلى نفسِي أُريد لها نَفعَاً
وقارفتُ ذَئباً لا أطيقُ له دَفعا
2. My hands cast me arrows that I could not find
Until my own arrows struck me with a mortal blow.
٢. رَمتني كَفّي أسهماً لم أجد لها
إلى أن أصابَت أسهمي مَقتَلي وَقعا
3. How many an error, had one's zealotry assisted him,
Would have been set aright, and he would have gained more loftiness.
٣. وكم خطأ لو ساعدَ المرءَ جدُّه
لَعُدَّ صوباً واستزادَ به رَفعا
4. Great is my sin, but I am penitent;
He who repents sincerely has exhausted his capacity.
٤. وذَنبي عظيمٌ غير أنِّي تائبٌ
ومن تابَ إخلاصاً فقد بَذَلَ الوُسعا
5. If the disciplining of the prince against his disobedient servant
Were entrusted to a judge, he would be most harsh in deterrence.
٥. ولو أَنَّ تأديبَ الأميرِ لعَبده
بقاض على العاصين أَوسعَهم رَدعا
6. Even if Pharaoh had betrayed, while secure and obedient,
Moses would not have made the rod into a running serpent.
٦. ولو خانَه فرعونُ آمناً طائعاً
وإن لم يُعد موسى العصا حيَّةً تَسعىَ
7. If I were a sin, I would be in the fold of His forbearance,
A fleeting mirage that is neither answered nor called.
٧. ولو كنت ذنباً كنتُ في جَنبِ حِلمِه
خبالَ هَباء ما يُجَابُ ولا يُدعى
8. And my crime was compounded by the mockery of a group
Whose tongues never knew piety, so they never kept their tongues.
٨. وقد زاد في جُرمي تلاعُبُ مَعِشرٍ
بألسنة لم تلق من ورَع فسمَعا
9. They said that I belittled His blessing by which
I ascended above the celestial spheres and the seven steps.
٩. حكوا أنني استصغرت نعمته التي
علوتُ بها الأفلاكَ والرُّتبَ السَّبعا
10. So I forsook my conscience and abandoned my religion;
I contradicted reason and law in my belief in oneness.
١٠. نبذتُ إذاً ذمَّتي وفارقتُ مِلَّتي
وخالفتُ في توحيدي العقلَ والشَّرعا
11. And if my words or my tongue let slip with it,
It did not pass a night except as deserving of severing.
١١. وإن كان لفظَي أو لساني جرى به
فلا باتَ إلاَّ وهوَ مُستوجبٌ قَطعا
12. Can I deny the shining sun its illumination,
And claim that the rain yields no crops?
١٢. وهل أَجحدُ الشمسَ الُمنيرةَ ضوءهَا
وأَزعُمُ أن الغَيثَ لا يَنبُتُ الزَّرعَا
13. If what they told were true, as they related,
Why then did I come, later, to His door entreating?
١٣. فإن كان ما قالوه حقاً كَمَا حَكَوا
فَلِم جئتُ من بعدُ إلى بَابِهِ أَسعَى
14. So he who takes Him as patron continues hoping for favor,
While he who makes Him his enemy keeps dreading calamity.
١٤. فلا زال مَن وَلاَّه ينتظرُ الُمنى
ولا زالَ مَن عاداه يَرتقبُ الفُجعا
15. And the days continue to carry good tidings to him,
Which show in the heart of his envier a crack.
١٥. ولا زالت الأيامُ تُهدَي بشارةً
إليه تُرِي في قَلبِ حاسِده صَدعا
16. One clear victory followed another,
As if words follow each other in accordance with rhetorical beauty.
١٦. فتوحاً تَوَالي واحداً إثر واحدٍ
كما تتبع الألفاظ في سَجعها سَجعا