1. He sang more beautifully than the ones who adored him,
My heart guided me to his gentle companions.
١. وأَغَنَّ من أربابِه أُرزى به
قلبي إلى أَوصابه أَوصَى به
2. He is an intercessor on the day of agony, I made an offering of him,
Gratitude for love excuses me from his friends.
٢. ذي شافعٍ يوم النَّوى أضحى به
شُكرُ الهَوَى العُذرِيِّ من أَصحَابِه
3. He consoled me about all those I used to love,
And I preferred him above all his peers.
٣. أسلى به عن كلِّ مَن أحبَبتُه
وأَظلُّ دون الخلقِ من أَسلابِه
4. In love, what I experience with him changes me;
I wish I could discard all his attributes.
٤. ويُغيرُني في الحُبِّ ما ألقى بهِ
فأَوَدُّ لو وُرِّيتُ عن ألقابه
5. How many encampments where the lightning stayed did he reside
Where passion did not fulfill its reward?
٥. كم مَنزلٍ بالأَبرقين ثَوى بهِ
لم يَقضِ فيه الصَّبُّ حقَّ ثوابهِ
6. Will I see the beloved with valor able
To bargain me for honor, then dust?
٦. أَتُرى به الحبيب نخوة قادرٍ
فيَسُومني للعزِّ لثمَ تُرابه
7. The gazelles were delighted when they saw him
Between the sands of Al-Aj and Farhah.
٧. فرحا به الطللان حين رآهما
ما بين رَملَةِ عالج فرحابه
8. And he adorned the cheek of separation with his line,
That did not pay attention when he adorned it.
٨. ووَشى به خَطُّ العذارِ بخدِّه
مالا أعارت لحظه فوشَى به
9. And a heart whose love has doubled flirted with him
With the coldness of its flirtation to respond.
٩. وَجَوَى به قلبٌ تَضاعَفَ حُبُّه
وبِردِّ جوَّاه لرد جوابه
10. If you aspire for his love then lose him,
The lion cannot be tempted with his absence.
١٠. إن كنتَ تطمعُ في هواه فغابه
فالليثُ لا يُسطَى عليه بغابه
11. My eyesight and hearing in love are seeking him
In vain, like his pursuers sought his blood.
١١. بَصَري وسمعي في الهوى طلابه
عَبثاً كما طلت دماء طُلاَبه
12. And after his departure, my heart bought with him
A bitter patience between the cup of his drink.
١٢. وشرى به قلبي غداةَ فراقه
صبرٌ مرير بين كأسِ شَرَابهِ
13. And he harvested the ripe fruits of youth,
Pouring pain on his home and his family.
١٣. وجنى به ثَمَرَ الصَّبَابة يانعاً
صب ألم بدارِه وَجَنابِهِ
14. Of wonders, an abode I visit with him
And melt of thirst, but am not sated with him.
١٤. ومن العجائبِ مَنزِلٌ أَزوي به
وأذوبُ من ظمأ فلا أَزوي بِهِ