
A youth whose generous hand we saw extended

فتى كيفما ملنا رأينا له يدا

1. A youth whose generous hand we saw extended
Far, seeking neither thanks nor gain,

١. فَتَى كَيفما مِلنَا رأينا له يداً
بعيدةَ مَرمَى الشكر مَطلبُها سَهلُ

2. Light lies his gifts on people's necks bestowed,
But heavy on the thankless falls its weight.

٢. خفيفُ على الأعناق مَحمَلُ مَنِّهَا
ولكن على الإنكار من عَدِّها ثقلُ

3. The chief, of all the wealth his conquests brought
Naught to his own hands gave he but the rein,

٣. وواله ما أَفضَى من المال ما نَشَا
إلى كَفِّه إلا العِنانُ أو النَّصلُ

4. Seeking renown, men severally have sought,
Assembled, each is part, and you are whole.

٤. تَفَرَّقَ طُلابُ المساعي فَكُلُّهم
إذا اجتمعوا بعضٌ وأنت له كلُّ

5. The glory tribes and races have attained
Is yours in its entirety, root and branch, the sum.

٥. وما فرَّعَ الأقوامُ في المجدِ
فباهوا به إلا وأنتَ له أصلُ