1. The rain awoke after slumber and poured down,
Making the earth soft until it was saturated.
١. تَنَبَّه الغيثُ بعد النومِ فاندفقا
وأرَّق الأرضَ حتى مَلَّتِ الأرقا
2. The flowers became scattered and hung,
And the meadow became illuminated and embraced.
٢. وأصبح الزَّهرُ منثوراً ومؤتلقاً
وأصبح الروضُ مَصبوحاً ومغتبقا
3. The valleys swelled until an area
Of the sky lowered to the earth and they embraced.
٣. وماجت الغُدر حتى ملت ناحيةٌ
من السماء دَنَت للأرض فاعتنقا
4. The sand dunes almost turned into soil from it,
And the page of the earth was clothed in leaves.
٤. وكادت الأُكمُ منه تستحيل ثرى
وصفحةُ الأرض فيه تكتسى وَرَقا
5. It accompanied the horizon until most of us
Forgot the stars or the dawn did not split.
٥. ولازم الأفق حتى كان أكثرنا
ينسى الكواكب أو لا تنبتُ الفلقا
6. It watered and expanded until the most greedy among us
Said, "We do not blame anything but its excess of manner."
٦. أرضى وأوسع حتى قال أرغبنا
لسنا نذمُّ سوى إسرافه خُلُقا
7. It continued to pour down upon the face of the earth
Until I thought the open country was overflowing eastward.
٧. ما زال يُوضع وجهُ الأرض درَّته
حتى ظنَنتُ الرُّبى مغتصَّة شَرِقا