1. They bring students of knowledge closer to its heavens,
And guide visitors of dew to its generosity.
١. يقرِّبنَ طلاب العُلا من سمائها
ويُهدينَ رُوَّاد النَّدى لجوادها
2. So they met our Master after he had set out at night,
Treating them as his palm treated his homeland.
٢. فلاقَينَ مولانا وقد صَنَعَ السُّرى
بهنَّ صنيع كفه بِتَلادهَا
3. There is no blame on thoughts if you have neglected them -
When gathered, they are not benefited by their gathering.
٣. ولا ذنبَ للأفكارِ أنتَ تَرَكتَها
إذا احتَشدَت لم تُنتَفعَ باحِتشَادِها
4. You preceded with individual meanings and composed
Your thoughts the words after their dispersal.
٤. سَبَقتَ بأفرادِ المعاني وأَلَّفت
خواطرُكَ الألفاظَ بعد شِرادِهَا
5. If we try to invent an innovation,
We get its stolen and repeated form.
٥. فإن نحن حَاوَلنا اختراعَ بديعةٍ
حَصَلنا على مَسرُوِقها ومُعَادِها