
May this auspicious friend enjoy Festival days

ليهن الصاحب المسعود عيد

1. May this auspicious friend enjoy Festival days
Good fortune and acceptance have come his way

١. ليَهنِ الصاحبَ المسعودَ عيدٌ
تولَّته السعادُة والقبولُ

2. He has a stream of glories that keep flowing
And praises that surround him like flocks

٢. لهُ من مجدِهِ غُررٌ توالى
عليه ومن مدائِحهِ حُجُولُ

3. So his Festivals follow on, an unbroken line
As the long years of life pass by

٣. فلا زالت له الأعيادَ تَترى
تتابعُ بينها العمرُ الطويلُ

4. The spheres revolve ceaselessly around
Two suns that will never set

٤. ولا بَرحَت به الأفلاكُ تجري
على شمسينِ ما لهُما أفُولُ

5. His shining heights tower to the skies
And far lands gain his generous bounty

٥. معاليه المنيرةُ في ذُرَاهَا
وفي الأقطار نائِلُهُ الجزيل