
This is Abu Mudhar, his palm has sufficed us,

هذا أبو مضر كفتنا كفه

1. This is Abu Mudhar, his palm has sufficed us,
The complaint of the vile, we do not regret a villain.

١. هذا أبو مُضر كفتنا كَفُّه
شكوى اللئضامِ فما نَذُمُّ لئيما

2. This handsome man, his talents, this noble one,
In positions, this refined one a tent.

٢. هذا الجسيمُ مَوَاهباً هذا الشري
ف مَنَاصِباً هذا المهذَّب خِيما

3. His determination ascended to the sky and was modeled
In it his noble traits as stars.

٣. سمكَت كهمّتهِ السماءُ ومُثِّلت
فيها خلائقُه الشراف نُجُوما

4. Nashwan has made praise and supremacy
Below drinking companions a cupbearer and boon companion.

٤. نشوان قد جعل المحامدَ والعُلا
دون الُمدَامة ساقياً ونَديما

5. His nature has harmed people, so they were generous,
If it was proper to call anyone else generous.

٥. أعدَى الأنامَ طباعُهُ فتكَرَّمُوا
لو جاز أن يُدعَى سواه كريما

6. If my speech had not been honored by praising you
My thoughts would not have inclined towards you fettered.

٦. لو لم أُشرِّف بامتداحك مَنطقي
ما انقاد نحوك خاطِري مزموما

7. But he saw the honor of in-laws so he presumed
To present to you his hidden essence.

٧. لكن رأى شَرفَ المصاهر فاغتَدى
يُهدي إليك لُبَابه المكتوما

8. So he loved you with well-knit minds openly
That headed decisively and with determination towards you.

٨. فحباك من نَسجِ العقول بغَادَةٍ
قَطَعَت إليك مقاصداً وعُزُوماً

9. When compatibility became clear she swore
That she would not disappear afterwards and stay.

٩. لما تَبَيَّنَتِ الكفاءَةَ أقسَمَت
ألا تغرب بَعدَها وتقيما

10. Do not seek from her a dowry, for you have dowered her
With your bounty in my view recently and long ago.

١٠. لا تبغها مَهراً فقد أمهَرتَها
نُعمَاك عندي حادثاً وقديما

11. I have devoted my speech and my fingers to thanking you
And I have appointed my thoughts as loyalty's chieftain.

١١. ألزمتُ شكرك منطقي وأناملي
وأقمتُ فكري بالوفاءِ زَعِيما