
When aid forsakes you and triumph your foes,

إذا انحاز عنك الغوث واحتفل العدا

1. When aid forsakes you and triumph your foes,
Proclaim His name, the One, and you'll overcome.

١. إذا انحازَ عنك الغوثُ واحتفلَ العدا
عليك فَصَرِّح باسمِهِ الفرد واغلبِ

2. Were swords imprinted with His name to smite,
They'd pierce their sheaths and strike at every turn.

٢. فلو طُبعت بيضُ السيوفِ على اسمه
مَضت وهي في الأغماد في كلِّ مَضربِ

3. Man sheds not labor's raiment, nor his sire's,
Save when opposing with refined address.

٣. وما خَلَعت للمرءِ مَسعاهُ والدٍ
إذا لم تقابله بحالٍ مُهذَّبِ