1. The day I see you, I do not fast it
For Eid is always forbidden for me
١. يوم أراك به فلست أصومه
فالعيد عندي ثابت تحريمه
2. The darkness uncovered for us its clothes
With the dawn of your arrival, how can I stand it?
٢. ودجى أماط لنا ثياب ظلامه
بصباح وصل منك كيف أقومه
3. But I see a helper aiding me
My gaze upon you, I make it last
٣. لكن أرى فضلا علي معينا
نظري إليك مع الزمان أديمه
4. Until I quench my thirst from your beauty
And the burdens of passion and worries cease
٤. حتى أروي من جمالك غلتي
وتزول أثقال الهوى وهمومه
5. So the light of your face makes clear for me
The tightness of my heart, giving it life with our meeting
٥. فبنور وجهك ينجلي عني صدا
قلبي ويحيا باللقاء رميمه
6. Who can get me your company? If I get your company, it is my Paradise
And the continuance of your separation is a hellish fire for my heart
٦. من لي بوصلك إن وصلك جنتي
ودوام هجرك للفؤاد جحيمه
7. I tried to remedy the situation of my passion
And was patient until it was said to the easy-going one to intend it
٧. عالجت فيك من الغرام أمره
وصبرت حتى قيل ليسر يرومه
8. And I concealed it until your love weighed heavily on my soul
And increased intensely in passion something hidden
٨. وكتمت حتى غال حبك مهجتي
واشتد شيئا في الهوى مكتومه
9. And I was quiet until my tears slept in bewilderment
And the tears of lovers are sleepy
٩. وسترت حتى نم دمعي بالهى
وأبر دمع العاشقين نمومه
10. So turn to a heart which you took its reins
You are its misery and you are its bliss
١٠. فاعطف على قلب ملكت زمامه
أنت الشقاء له وأنت نعيمه
11. Were it not for you, carnelian would not be long
And the gentle breeze would not make me yearn
١١. لولاك لم يطل العقيق
ولما شجاني بالغوير نسيمه
12. And how much a friend said to me and appeared to him
What he does not ignore in passion is known
١٢. ولرب خل قال لي وبدا له
ما ليس يجهل في الهوى معلومه
13. Why do I see you aspiring to the lightnings
As if you are constantly lightning so you are shy
١٣. ما لي أراك إلى الأبارق طامحا
أبدا سنا برق فأنت تشيمه
14. And I see your features overtaken by intoxication
The clouds have blown on you the scent of the furthest dawn
١٤. وأرى شمائلك اعتراها نشوة
أسباك من نفس العرار شميمه
15. So I answered him that I am obsessed
With a hidden passion and the passion is talkative
١٥. فأجبته إني لصب شيق
بخفي وجد والغرام غريمه
16. And it has an old wound that has no remedy
And I see passion makes men old
١٦. وله قديم لا دواء لدائه
وأرى الهوى يعي الرجال قديمه
17. And early it folds the skirts of separation
Hastening tomorrow that does not settle its breeze
١٧. ومبكر يطوي جلابيب الفلا
عجلا غدا لا يستقر رسيمه
18. It plunges with it into every difficult situation
As if it is in its two sides, dark
١٨. يهوي به في كل خرق مهمه
فكأنه في جانبيه ظليمه
19. It comes in the evening and the breeze is blamed
And the star in the horizon of the sky is its friend
١٩. يمسي ومعتل النسيم مدامه
والنجم في أفق السماء نديمه
20. I called it: "If you seek shining light
It will guide you if the state of the guide is the stars
٢٠. ناديته إن رمت نورا مشرقا
تهديك إن حال الدليل نجومه
21. And the trusted guide has a vast, spacious shelter so stick
To the side of the one who brings you out of the darkness of misguidance
٢١. ومقيل أمن واسعا رحبا فلذ
بجناب من نفق الضلال علومه
22. Erase misguidance, the witness, the reliant
The laughter of happy fortune from its thoughts
٢٢. ماحي الضلال الشاهد المتوكل ال
ضحاك أسنا من تغث كلومه
23. The treasure of virtues, the house of piety which
Is its leader and chief in the Hereafter
٢٣. كنز الفضائل منزل التقوى الذي
هو في المعاد إمامه وزعيمه
24. I collected for it the precious pearls of prohibition and renewed
Through its guidance the rites of the Hanifi religion
٢٤. جمعت له غرر النهى وتجددت
بهداه للدين الحنيف رسومه
25. And he settled in its soil when he settled
In it the pottery, its elite and general population
٢٥. وثوى بتربة أرضه لما ثوى
فيها الفخار خصوصه وعمومه
26. The door of guidance, the fortress of salvation, Muhammad
Its timing is good and its settlement is good
٢٦. باب الهدى حصن النجاة محمد
طابت مناسبه وطاب أديمه
27. O you for whom Adam's priority of virtue appeared
And through it he was named as Abraham in the Resurrection
٢٧. يا من لآدم بان سابق فضله
وسما به في الحشر إبراهيمه
28. O you who has the flowing pool and intercession
Through which the filth of the sinners escapes
٢٨. يا من له الحوض الروي وشفاعة
ينجو بها دنس الإهاب أثيمه
29. And you have prayers from the Lord of the heavens
And salutations reached you from Him through the ages
٢٩. ولتك من رب السماء صلاته
وأتاك منه على المدى تسلميه
30. Whoever seeks refuge through your glorious status anxious
Then who in the worlds would refuse him?
٣٠. من يستجير بفضل جاهك لائذا
فمن الذي في العالمين يضيمه
31. So give refuge to one frightened of the intrigues of its cunning
Which wears out the forbearing in this time
٣١. فأجير مروعا من خطوب كيدها
يعيا به في ذا الزمان حليمه