1. The mention of al-Aqeeq inflamed his memories,
He poured out the longing in his heart for his loved ones.
١. ذكر العقيق فهاجه تذكاره
صب عن الأحباب شط مزاره
2. And his soul yearned for Suleh's dwellings,
So its fire blazed within his breast.
٢. وهفت إلى سلع نوازع قلبه
فتضرمت بين الجوانح ناره
3. Splendidly arrayed in what was revealed of him,
Nothing but his concealment appeared from him.
٣. كلف برامة ما تألق بارق
من نحوها إلا بدا إضماره
4. He longs for her valley, and were it not for his love of her,
No valley would have allured him though its flowers blossomed.
٤. يشتاق واديها ولولا حبها
لم يصبه واد زهت أزهاره
5. Passionately in love with the one who captured his heart completely,
Wishing that his bondage to her would never end.
٥. شغفا بمن ملك الفؤاد بأسره
وبوده أن لا يفك إساره
6. Were it not for his love he would not have inclined
Towards Mecca, Rhonda and A'raar.
٦. لولا هواه لما ثنى أعطافه
بان الحجاز ورنده وعراره
7. O you who dwells within my breast and thoughts,
Though your abode is far from me.
٧. يا من ثوى بين الجوانح والحشا
مني وإن بعدت علي دياره
8. Have mercy on a heart infatuated with your love,
Grieving for me and what my circumstances have led to.
٨. عطفا على قلب بحبك هائم
إن لم تصله تصدعت أعشاره
9. He cannot awaken from passion, and whenever
You are veiled from him, his curtains are torn.
٩. وارحم كئيبا فيك يقضي نحبه
أسفا علي وما انقتض أوطاره
10. Neither does the shade of protect him from the heat of love,
Nor do the evenings delight him without your tales.
١٠. لا يستفيق من الغرام وكلما
حجبوك عنه تهتكت أستاره
11. Will the time of flowering return,
When it blossomed in content and its mornings flourished?
١١. ما اعتاض عن سمر الحمى ظلا ولا
طابت بغير حديثكم أسماره
12. In the square with domes of Suleh adorned,
The birds chirp there joyfully for their wishes.
١٢. هل عائد زمن تضوع نشره
أرجا ورقت بالرضى أسحاره
13. It surpassed Busayta in might and reverence,
So it reached the heights and its neighbor gained glory.
١٣. في مربع بقباب سلع مونق
بالأنس تهتف بالمنى أطياره
14. It protects the guest, and how could it not protect
When the sanctity of the Chosen One surrounds its regions?
١٤. فاق البسيطة عزة ومهابة
فسما وعز من البرية جاره
15. Its ground, when treaded, heals incurable diseases with its dust,
Glory be to the One who combined all qualities in it, so its brilliance and pride were perfected.
١٥. يحمي النزيل وكيف لا يحمي وقد
حفت بجاه المصطفى أقطاره
16. It was created with a disposition for honoring, so it was not raised
Except with the most lofty manners.
١٦. أضحى ثرى عرصاته إذ حلها
يشفي من الداء العضال غباره
17. Its qualities were described and its heart purified,
So it thrived and its surface and carpentry were pristine.
١٧. سبحان من جمع المحاسن كلها
فيه فتم بهاؤه وفخاره
18. Amina carried it effortlessly until the time
Of its birthplace arrived.
١٨. جبلت على التشريف طينته فما
نشأت على غير العلى أطواره
19. And it saw the palaces of Damascus gleaming
When its lights dawned and civilization rejoiced.
١٩. وصفت خلائقه وطهر صدره
فزكا وطاب أديمه ونجاره
20. She placed it circumcised, prostrating in awe,
And clothed it beautifully with its chosen garb.
٢٠. حملته آمنة الحصان فلم تجد
ثقلا إلى أن حان منه بداره
21. Neither tall nor short, though it walked
Among the tall, its brilliance towered over them.
٢١. ورأت قصور الشام حين تشعشعت
أنواره وتباشرت حضاره
22. And when it crowned its forehead with perspiration for a great cause,
Its secrets magnified.
٢٢. وضعته مختونا وأهوى ساجدا
وكساه حسنا باهرا مختاره
23. Its scent is more fragrant and sweeter than the scent
Of treasured musk from the perfumers.
٢٣. لا بالطويل ولا القصير وإن مشى
بين الطوال سمتهم أنواره
24. The sun rises radiant after dawn,
And the full moon orbits the sphere of perfection.
٢٤. وإذا تكلل بالجمان جبينه
عرقا لأمر عظمت أسراره
25. Bearing a sword, uncaring who it meets,
Its helpers gained honor through it.
٢٥. فلريحه أذكى وأطيب مخبرا
من ريح مسك فضه عطاره
26. Serenity and composure are its clothes,
Righteousness and sincerity are its emblems.
٢٦. فالشمس بعد الصحو مشرقة السنا
والبدر في فلك الكمال مداره
27. God-consciousness is its conscience, and it was granted wisdom,
Increasing its intellect and dignity through it.
٢٧. متقلدا بالسيف ليس مباليا
بمن التقى عزت به أنصاره
28. Truthfulness and loyalty are its nature,
Forgiveness and graceful pardoning are its attire.
٢٨. حلل السكينة والثبات لباسه
والبر والإخلاص فيه شعاره
29. The religion of Islam is its nation, and elucidating
The clear truth to mankind is its aim.
٢٩. وضميره التقوى وأوتي حكمة
فازداد منها عقله ووقاره
30. It is the jewel in the crown of prophecy,
And the exquisite brocade of its splendid dress.
٣٠. والصدق منه والوفاء طبيعة
والعفو والصفح الجميل دثاره
31. It established the path with its Sunnah,
Spacious and clear night and day.
٣١. وشريعة الإسلام ملته وبال
حق المبين إلى الورى إظهاره
32. Through it the best of tribes, Hashim, took pride
And its enduring glory nested in it.
٣٢. ختم النبوة فهو درة تاجها
وطراز حلتها الثمني عباره
33. The stars of fortune shone at Badr through it,
And the day of Ridwan its moons glowed.
٣٣. أبقى بسنته طريقا واضحا
رحبا سواء ليله ونهاره
34. Its suns at the Opening of Mecca radiated,
Unveiling the shining faces of the elite.
٣٤. فخرت به خير القبائل هاشم
وحوى به المجد الأثيل نزاره
35. Through it his children, wives,
Companions thrived, and his in-laws were purified.
٣٥. زهرت نجوم السعد في بدر به
وتبلجت يوم الرضى أقماره
36. Through it his young servants, slave girls,
Steeds, camel and donkey were distinguished.
٣٦. وشموسه في فتح مكة أشرقت
فانجاب عن وجه العلاء قتاره
37. Pride filled its bed, mattress,
Tents, domes and walls.
٣٧. سعدت به أولاده ونساؤه
وصحابه وزكت به أصهاره
38. Its cloak perfumed al-Ardaan with its scent,
Blessing its gown and loincloth.
٣٨. وسمت به غلمانه وإماؤه
وجواده وبعيره وحماره
39. The Mosaic Book testified to its merit
And its news actualized and became certain.
٣٩. وحوى الفخار سريره وفراشه
وخيامه وقبابه وجداره
40. It is an honest witness and giver of glad tidings,
It is a warner, certain of its warning.
٤٠. وتضوعت أردان بردته به
طيبا وطاب رداؤه وإزاره
41. To the two illiterate nations it became a protecting refuge,
Through it their fetters were removed when its time arrived.
٤١. شهد الكتاب الموسوي بفضله
وتحققته وأيقنت أخباره
42. Its state and Mecca is its Lord's sanctuary,
The inviolable places of its birth and Tayba its abode.
٤٢. هو شاهد متول ومبشر
هو منذر متيقن إنذاره
43. Wondrous is one with a heart who saw it and did not
Sprout for its time branches of dignity!
٤٣. أضحى لأميين حرزا مانعا
وضعت به عن وقته آصاره
44. O You who removed the darkness of misguidance! And when
Its darkness cleared, who enlightened its gloom?
٤٤. بالشام دولته ومكة ربه ال
حرمات مولده وطيبة داره
45. O You who are equal in nobility and dew,
Both Your right hand and left hand!
٤٥. عجبا لذي لب رآه وكيف لم
ينبت عنه لوقته زناره
46. You are the hope in removing the harm of the difficult times,
Your left hand spreads mercy.
٤٦. يا من جلا قتر الضلال ومن إذا
ما أمه العافي انجلى إقتاره
47. Eulogizing you became his habit,
So he dissolved in it and his poetry was scented with it.
٤٧. يا من تساوى في المكارم والندى
كلتا يديه يمينه ويساره
48. He hopes for salvation through your intercession tomorrow,
When the righteous fear the specter of the Gathering.
٤٨. أنت الملي بكشف ضر مخلف
ذي عسرة بندى يديك يساره
٤٩. جعل الثناء على علاك شعاره
فحلت به وتعطرت أشعاره
٥٠. يرجو النجاة بفضل جاهك في غد
في موقف يخشى التوى أبراره