
Would that a breeze of your fragrance blows

لولا شذا من نشركم ينشق

1. Would that a breeze of your fragrance blows
No yearning towards the anxious sweating one would have leaned

١. لولا شذاً من نشركم ينشق
ما حنّ نحو المُهتم المُعرق

2. Nor would the youth have inclined at dawn towards youth
Nor would his complaints have stirred the gentle one

٢. ولا صبا في الصبح نحو الصبا
ولا ثارت شجوه الأينق

3. After you all, the meadows have no more joy
Nor does any blossoming garden have grace

٣. ما للربوع بعدكم بهجة
ولا لروض ناضر رونق

4. You are their essence so if you are absent
There remains in them no beauty to behold

٤. أنتم معانيها فإن غبتموا
فليس فيها حسن يُرمق

5. If not for you, no lightning would have stirred me
Nor would any passion have struck me, flashing

٥. لولاكم ما هاجني بارق
ولا شجاني بالحمى أبرق

6. Nor would any slender graceful one have bent his neck in separation
A young gazelle, when the stout rope is pulled taut

٦. ولا لوى لي عنقاً في الفلا
عيسٌ إذا جدّ السرى العنق

7. No announcer would have turned my attentions to remembering you
Unless I heard him urging on ahead

٧. ما عرّض الحادي بذكراكم
إل اوسمعي نحوه يسبق

8. Nor would a riding company head to your lands
Unless my ardent heart followed close behind

٨. ولا سرى ركبٌ إلى أرضكم
إلا تلاه قلبي الشيّق

9. Release your prisoner, bound to you, fettered
To the custody of love he is secured

٩. فُكّوا أسيراً لكمُ مُوثقاً
عليه في حفظ الهوى موثق

10. His heart has been shackled by love of you
While his body between worlds remains unconstrained

١٠. فؤاده قيّده حبّكم
وجسمه بين الورى مطلق

11. Before, if the fires of separation raged in my thoughts
It would tear me apart, utterly separated

١١. قد كنت من قبل النوى إن جرى
فراقكم في خاطري أفرق

12. And I had set my eyes as a guard - so is there
An apparition of you that would appear to me?

١٢. وكنت نُصباً لعيني فهل
طيفُ خيال منكمُ يطرق

13. I loved you as a child, and you perfected
My youth, a love not to be undone

١٣. أحببتكم طفلاً وقد أخلقت
شبيبتي والود لا يخلق

14. Yet now I mix the purest love
While my censurer has greyed and become detached

١٤. أنّي أشوب الآن صفو الهوى
وعارضي قد شاب والمفرق

15. Patience in your judgement befits me
But kindness and clemency are most fitting from you

١٥. يليق بي صبري على حكمكم
ولكن العطف بكم اليق

16. Will there be a return for me, when wishes are astray
Like shadows, and the bouquet is plucked?

١٦. هل عائد لي والمُنى ضلّةٌ
ظلٌ وورد سائغ ريّق

17. O land of Nu'man and valley of Mina
If wishes were to be fulfilled

١٧. يا أرض نعمان ووادي مِنى
والخيف لو أن المنى تصدق

18. And at that place of gathering, would I stop
In sanctuaries with beams of light shining through?

١٨. وهل بذاك الشعب لي وقفةً
في حرم أنواره تُشرق

19. Would the Lady of the Veil reveal herself to me
Aromatic wood and my prayers fruitful, burgeoning?

١٩. وربّة الستر لنا تُجلتلى
وعوُد وصلي مثمرٌ مورق

20. The greatest hopes - to gather me in
At the foothills of Sulae, perfectly proportioned

٢٠. وأكبر الآمال لو ضمّني
بسفح سلع مربع مونق

21. For the noble tombs, white-domed, I long
The courtyard of Acceptance, its soil split open

٢١. فبالقباب البيض لي مطلب
عرف الرضا من تربه يُنشق

22. Veiled, not by the forehead's prostration
But his brilliance - no barrier contains its piercing light

٢٢. محجب بالعزّ لا بالظُبا
به سناه لا القنا مُحدق

23. Yearning rends our souls to reach him
With a rending no else can match

٢٣. تقطع بالأشواق أرواحُنا
إليه ما لا تقطع السبّق

24. He attained the treasury of virtue through Mustafa
That perfumed, radiant, blessed side

٢٤. حاز كنوز الفضل بالمصطفى
ذاك الجناب العطر المشرق

25. Every rugged valley is scented with piety
For it exudes his sweet fragrance

٢٥. وكلّ فجٍّ أرجٍ بالتقى
فإنه من طيبه يعبق

26. He brought the valued, clear religion
Distinguishing misguidance from guidance

٢٦. أتى بدين قيّم واضحٍ
بين ضلال وهدى يَفُرق

27. It grows and strengthens, while the religion of enemies
Leaders of deviance, by it obliterated

٢٧. يَنمى ويزداد ودينُ العدى
أئمة الزيغ به تمحق

28. Thus is the truth - when it prevails
Over the impossible, the false, it dissolves

٢٨. كذلك الحق إذا ما علا
على محالٍ باطل يزهق

29. He folded the seven heavens until he reached
A station no other can attain

٢٩. طوى الطباق السبع حتى انتهى
إلى مقام قطّ لا يُلحق

30. He attained a station - if not for our love of him
He would have burned from the brilliance

٣٠. قام مقاماً لودنا غيره
منه لأضحى بالسنا يُحرق

31. And he returned by night, with his caravan
With a sacred gaze, illuminating

٣١. وعاد ليلاً وأساريره
بنظرةٍ قدسيةٍ تُبرق

32. Oh woe to those who deny him, after
He was the trustee, truthful among them

٣٢. يا ويل من كذبه بعد ما
كان أميناً فيهم يصدق

33. If he did not say "I am the Messenger"
His face itself would speak it and declare it

٣٣. لو لم يقل إني رسول أما
شاهدُه في وجهه يَنطق

34. Glory to Him who shaped him with perfect
Meaning - the One who creates all forms

٣٤. سبحان من صوّره صورةً
أكمل معناها الذي يَخلق

35. His mouth as if an utterance articulate
In the essence from the divers extracting gems

٣٥. كأن فاه باسماً ناطقاً
بجوهر الغوّاص مستحدق

36. Ruby, his lips, and pearl - not moist
Choice ruby, his throat, and speech

٣٦. فالشفة الياقوت والؤلؤ ال
رطب الثمين الثغر والمنطق

37. His forehead, the dawn, and above it
The dark branch, and the cosmos-splitting sky

٣٧. جبينه الصبحُ ومن فوقه
الفرع الدجى والفلك المفرق

38. As if his front teeth and palms were molded
From silver, his fingers and elbows too

٣٨. كأنما قد صيغ من فضّة
بنانه والكفّ والمرفق

39. And endowed him with praised character
Clement, forbearing, humble, compassionate

٣٩. وخصّه بالخُلُق المرتضى
سمحٌ حليم خاشع مُشفق

40. He rose above with a brilliance when
He spoke, and in his dignity when silent

٤٠. يسمو ويعلوها بهاء إذا
ما قال والتوقير إذ يطرق

41. Against enemies he had such strength
While with those seeking guidance, gently drawn

٤١. كان على الأعداء ذا قوّة
وبالذي يبغي الهُدى يَرفق

42. In the loins of Noah he was stored
So he, on the waves, would not drown

٤٢. في صلب نوح كان مستودعاً
فهو على الأمواج لا يغرق

43. And for his sake, the loins of Abraham
The flames of fire could not burn

٤٣. وصلب إبراهيم من أجله
له ضرام النار لا تحرق

44. And of his miracles was how water
Flowed abundantly from his palm

٤٤. وكان من معجزه أن غدا
ماء رواً من كفه يدفق

45. As his palms contained dates - with which
He satiated armies in the trench compressed

٤٥. كما حوى كفّاه تمراً به
أشبع جيشاً ضمّه الخندق

46. While the Christian king was amazed
As his date-store fed measures beyond count

٤٦. ومرود الدوسيّ فأعجب له
إذ زودت من تمره الأوسق

47. His horsemen prevailed over a single horseman
So crown and kingdom were removed from him

٤٧. فرسانه أخنت على فارسٍ
فزال عنها التاج والمنطق

48. Continuous, after the blasting trumpet makes whom it makes tremble
For him, the Pond, and in his hands

٤٨. وجاهه متصلٌ بعد ما
يصعق بالنفخة من يصعق

49. The banner of Praise, fluttering
He is the intercessor and savior, when

٤٩. غداً له الحوض وفي كفّه
لواء حمدٍ شاملٍ يخفق

50. In blazing agony the sinner is bound
O you whose lineage in the lofty pavilions

٥٠. وهو شفيع منقذ في غدٍ
مَن بالخطايا في لظىً موثق

51. And in the wilderness, is shining radiance
The verdant land knows your traces

٥١. يا من له في منصّات العُلى
وفي البرايا نسبٌ مُعرق

52. And knows the brilliant, eastern climes
To enumerate him strains composition

٥٢. وتعرف الخضراء آثاره
وتعرف الغبراء والمشرق

53. In prose or verse, however skilled the writer
I am struck with harm and have none but

٥٣. ووصفُه يعجز عن حصره
نظماً ونثراً ماهرٌ مُفلق

54. Your eminence - causes to which I cling
Be for me a refuge in a time in which

٥٤. قد مسني الضرّ وما لي سوى
جاهك أسباب بها أعلق

55. Destruction's arrows strike from all sides
And ask from the Merciful, when

٥٥. كن لي مجيراً في زمانٍ به
قوارع أسهمها ترشق

56. My bones are enclosed in the narrow grave
A mercy to carry me to the Gardens

٥٦. واسأل لي الرحمن روحاً إذا
ضمّ عظامي برزخ ضيّق

57. Whose awe-inspiring splendor is of silk brocade
Everlasting in your precincts and your kingdom

٥٧. ورحمةً توصلني جنّة
لبأسها الفاخر استبرق

58. Seventy thousand surrounding you, gazing
Guiding forever to your tomb - the musk's diffusion

٥٨. لا زال في ربعك أملاكه
سبعون ألفاً حوله تحدق

59. Pervades the distance, bursting forth

٥٩. تهدي إلى تربك طول المدى
توافحُ المسك به تفتق