
For whom are the riding beasts neighing in their stables?

لمن المطايا في رباها تنفخ

1. For whom are the riding beasts neighing in their stables?
Like the celestial spheres, they ascend into the mirage and are anchored.

١. لمن المطايا في رباها تنفخ
كالفلك تعلو في السراب وترسخ

2. Ask the one whose lowered spear never bends,
Does it not compensate for the drawn sword?

٢. فسل الذي لا ينثني إخفافها
عن سريخ ألا تعوض سريخ

3. Every readied man of glory carried for the sake of glory,
Not yearning for elevation, never slacking.

٣. حملت على الأكوار كل مشمر
للمجد عن طلب العلى لا يربخ

4. He reached with them the means to his aspirations,
While the most honored and distinguished stand below.

٤. بلغت به أسباب همته إلى
ما دونه يقف الأعز الأبلخ

5. From beyond the sands of Mouma and Babylon,
Al-Qadisiya, Al-Uzayb, and Marbakh,

٥. من دون موماة الفراة وبابل
والقادسية والعذيب ومربخ

6. Yet Ramma, Aqeeq, Bana,
And the domes of Sala he sought with resolve.

٦. لكن رامة والعقيق وبانة
وقباب سلع قصده المترسخ

7. With his wealth he sang of his heart’s sorrow in the likes of which
No other sorrowful being is reproached.

٧. فبماله شجن تملك قلبه في
مثله ذو الشجو ليس يوبخ

8. His dwelling, the gardens of hearts, so no father occupies his place,
Nor a brother, O most beloved of the exalted.

٨. مأواه جنات القلوب فلا أبٌ
يحتل موضعه العزيز ولا أخ

9. He is the ruler of beauty obeyed, and with him
Is lasting love never nullified.

٩. هو حاكم الحسن المطاع وعنده
للمحبة ثابت لا ينسخ

10. The glitter of seafarers all submit to his beauty,
And his beauty upon the earth is never humbled.

١٠. شمخ الملاح جميعهم بجماله
وجماله على الورى لا يشمخ

11. For the people of wisdom he is a spring of the essences of truths,
Knowledge of existence like yeast from his affair,

١١. من كل معنى عنده لذوي الحجى
عين بمكنون الحقائق تنضخ

12. And pious, forbearing from a most firmly rooted ghayb.
His ambitions are lofty, his supporters honorable,

١٢. علم وجود كالخضم عن أمره
وتقي وحلم من ئبير أرسخ

13. His promises binding, never renounced.
Of vast kindness, his breeze well placed,

١٣. سامي المرام عزيزة أنصاره
وافي الذمام عقوده لا تفسخ

14. As if his earth were imbued with perfume.
A land that gives freely to the poor with its gifts,

١٤. رحب الجناب نسيمه متوضع
فكأن ثراه بالعبير مضمخ

15. And through it the desperate supplicant is given relief.
By his might crowns submit in humiliation,

١٥. ربع يجود على العفاة برفده
وبه يغاث العائذ المستصرخ

16. And by his kindness the fearful are reassured.
O master of mankind, his noble carpenter,

١٦. ولعزه التيجان تخضع ذلةً
وبعطفه روع المخوف يفرخ

17. O you through whose lineage the horizon reached its highest point.
You have become the crown of prophethood upon its head,

١٧. يا سيد البشر الكريم نجاره
يا من بنسبته سما متوشلخ

18. And the embroidery of its mantle that is never stripped away.
And by your everlasting glory across the ages,

١٨. أصبحت في رأس النبوة تاجها
وطراز حلتها التي لا تسلخ

19. And for you are the sublime stations that do not diminish.
A frightened heart complains to you,

١٩. وبجاهك الجاه المديد على المدى
ولك المقامات التي لا تبذخ

20. Stained by the impurities of worries.
It awakens and sleeps in dread of an obstinately silent sedition

٢٠. يشكو إليك مروّع قلق له
بأدناس الهموم ملطخ

21. For the staunch, stomping, braying enemies.
Since you were a praised sanctuary, your warmth

٢١. يمسي ويصبح وهو يخشى فتنة
صماء للصعب اللواتي تدنخ

22. Envelops their hearts so they are branded.
You protected the people of the villages from them,

٢٢. إذ كنت ضراماً محمود قده
يغشى تلهبها القلوب فتطخ

23. When for the Arabs they were swooping falcons.
Iblis is elated by them, promising

٢٣. قد حومت منها على أهل القرى
للعرب عقبان كواسر فنخ

24. In every valley with his cries.
They attacked the land of Iraq and it became

٢٤. إبليس ملتهج بها مستبشر
بوعيدها في كل وادٍ يصرخ

25. Like a flood that carries away debris and kindles.
They have divided the people, so between

٢٥. هجمت على أرض العراق فأصبحت
كالسيل يذهب بالغثاء ويلدخ

26. Those whose palms you held and me is now a barrier.
If not for your soldiers facing them like mountains,

٢٦. قد شتت شمل الأنام فبين من
قد كنت لكفه وبيني برزخ

27. Patient, firm bedrock.
They would have destroyed the bonds of Islam. But your promise,

٢٧. لولا جنودك قابلوها حجرة
فكأنهم صبراً جبالٌ رسخ

28. Auspicious, its decree clearly defined, cannot be disfigured.
The House is your house, and the sanctuaries your sanctuaries,

٢٨. لوهت عرى الإسلام لكن وعدك ال
ميمون واضح رسمه لا يمسخ

29. Mansur prevails over those who sought him and is exalted.
So turn to us and ask the Merciful

٢٩. والبيت بيتك والحريمي حريمك ال
منصور يعلو من بغاه ويشمخ

30. In pardoning to erase our sins.
And to spare us a sedition that almost

٣٠. فاعطف علينا واسئل الرحمن في
عفوٍ به عنا الذنوب تسبخ

31. Tore apart the bonds of our faith.
I have become in the abode like a frightened horse,

٣١. ويكف عنا فتنة كادت لها
منا عرى إيماننا تتفسخ

32. And my family from me are distant chicks.
So reward my praise with approval and protection

٣٢. أصبحت فرداً في الديار مروعاً
وحليلتي عني نأت والأفرخ

33. For them and for me every lasting year.
Do not address me after protecting me standing

٣٣. فأجز مديحي بالرضا وكفاية
لهم ولي في كل عام يرضخ

34. At his threshold, my waist exposed, reproached.
And ask Allah, the Almighty, wellness for me,

٣٤. لا تلقني من بعد صوني واقفاً
بجنابه بادي القطوب موبخ

35. And for them a shade that is never stripped away.

٣٥. واسأل لي الله العظيم سلامة
ولهم وستراً شاملاً لا يسلخ