
Take my sincere greetings of affection to Hejaz, if you pass by its riders,

خذ للحجاز إذا مررت بركبه

1. Take my sincere greetings of affection to Hejaz, if you pass by its riders,
And ask if its pastures have been brought to life by spring, dressing its valleys in grass,

١. خذ للحجاز إذا مررت بركبه
مني تحيّة مخلص في حبّه

2. And if it has plucked the passion of love from the best gardens,
As long as the narration remains sound from its plateau.

٢. واسأله هل حيّا مرابعه الحيا
وكسا الربيع شعابه من عشبه

3. So let the breaths of the breeze be an expression,
In its symbolism is a meaning that delights the heart,

٣. واستمل من خير الصبالاخ الهوى
ما صحّ من إسناده عن هضبه

4. Tempting it with its journeys in the days of yearning,
When its origin was from its soil.

٤. فلنشر أنفاس النسيم عبارةٌ
في رمزها معنىً يلذ لقلبه

5. By its life! If it were not for remembering its era in it,
The breeze would not have toyed with its heart.

٥. يغريه مسراها بأيام الحمى
إذ كان منشأ عرفها من تربه

6. Is there for me a return to the nights of the fulfilling place of wishes,
With a wish that took pleasure in its nearness?

٦. ولعمرها لولا تذكر عهده
فيها لما عبث النسيم بلبه

7. And it shelters me and the children of affection in its atmosphere,
A garment of connection that I do not fear its loss.

٧. هل لي إلى ليلات مجتمع المنى
بمنىً رجوعٌ استلذ بقربه

8. Sweet is the harvest in it, safety for whoever harvested,
And in it is generosity and consent for its lover.

٨. ويضمني وبني الوداد بجوّه
سربال وصل لا أراع بسلبه

9. The full moon of perfection over the mansions of its domes
Is sublime, too exalted for blemish and concealment.

٩. حلو الجنى فيه الأمان لمن جنى
وبه الكرامة والرضا لمحبه

10. It increases in light the further the distance,
With Muhammad the orbit of beauty and its axis.

١٠. بدر الكمال على بروج قبابه
سامٍ يجل عن المحاق وحجبه

11. His hands attained from ranks a position
That rises above the non-Arabs of time and its Arabs.

١١. يزداد نوراً كلما طال المدى
بمحمد فلك الجمال وقطبه

12. He united for it the scattered virtue that
Was providence from his Lord among the messengers.

١٢. نالت يداه من المراتب منصباً
يعلو على عجم الزمان وعربه

13. And he has the exclusive traits apart from them,
So take from my words an awakening statement about it.

١٣. جمعت له متفرق الفضل الذي
في المرسلين عنايةً من ربه

14. Among them is his prophethood while Adam is clay,
So he increased in light when he dwelled in his loins.

١٤. وله الخصائص حازها من دونهم
فاستمل من لفظي مقال منبه

15. And he saw his name over the Throne with his eyes,
So he invoked it when he was burdened with his sin.

١٥. منها نبوته وآدم طينةٌ
فازداد نوراً حين حلّ بصلبه

16. And for him is the desired station and intercession
That saves the desperate from the obstacles of their deeds.

١٦. ورأى بعينيه على العرش اسمه
فدعا به حين استقل بذنبه

17. And for him is the banner and his fresh bowl
That quenches the thirst of all believers with its drink.

١٧. وله المقام المرتضى وشفاعة
تنجي المحرق من بوائق كسبه

18. And for him is the means of mediation, none of the creation above it,
An exclusivity that descended in its sublimity and closeness.

١٨. وله اللواء وحوضه العذب الذي
يروي جميع المؤمنين بشربه

19. When he transcended the likeness of the Chosen One,
He became the guardian and peerless in his virtue.

١٩. وله الوسيلة ما لخلق فوقها
نزل تفرد في علاه وقربه

20. He is the seal of prophets and opener
Of saints, their drinking from his drink.

٢٠. لما علا عن مشبه مختاره
أضحى وليس لفضله من مشبه

21. Where do nations who preceded have a path
Like his secure nation, honorable and his companions?

٢١. هو خاتم للأنبياء وفاتح
للأولياء وشربهم من شربه

22. None of them had a master in a place
Except that he was the leader for his party.

٢٢. من أين للأمم الذين تقدموا
طرّا كأمته الكرام وصحبه

23. Among them is Hudhayfah of loyalty and consent,
Sulayman who settled in Iraq and its lands.

٢٣. ما كان منهم سيد في موطن
إلا وكان هو الزعيم لحزبه

24. So through him is light for whoever seeks guidance
And protection from corrupting gossip and flattery.

٢٤. منهم حذيفة ذو الأمانة والرضا
سليمان حلا بالعراق وشعبه

25. O master of mankind, who is our succor
In the barren times of era, fertile or infertile!

٢٥. فهما به نور لمن رام الهدى
وحمىً من الحدث الملم وخطبه

26. We have visited your noble companions, hoping
To attain some of the grace you specified for them.

٢٦. يا سيد البشر الذي هو غوثنا
في حالتي جدب الزمان وخصبه

27. So bestow upon us a blessing tasted by one who became
Secure, safe among his flock.

٢٧. زرنا صحابتك الكرام تعرضا
لننال من فضل خصصتهم به

28. And complete its outcome with the seal of consent
And safety on a day raging in its terror.

٢٨. فافض علينا نعمة من ذاقها
أضحى معافىً آمناً في سربه

٢٩. وأتم عقباها بخاتمة الرضا
والأمن في يوم يصول برعبه