
There were kings before you from Ghassan and lords from Nazar enjoying prosperity

قد كان من غسان قبلك أملاك

1. There were kings before you from Ghassan and lords from Nazar enjoying prosperity,
They wore crowns with determination,

١. قَد كانَ مَن غَسّانَ قَبلَكَ أَم
لاكٌ وَمِن نَصرٍ ذَوو نِعَمِ

2. Then perished like the early generations of nations.
Do not assume time will keep you lasting,

٢. فَتَتَوَّجوا مُلكاً لَهُم هِمَمٌ
فَفَنوا فِناءَ أَوائِلِ الأُمَمِ

3. Or remain eternal for you, it does not last.
If eternity lasted for Tubba and the masters,

٣. لا تَحسَبُنَّ الدَهرَ مُخلِدَكُم
أَو دائِماً لَكُمُ وَلَم يَدُمِ

4. Of trade from Aad and from Iram.

٤. لَو دامَ لِتُبَّعٍ وَذَوي ال
أَصناعِ مِن عادٍ وَمِن إِرَمِ